Tag Archives: collective consciousness and the power of change
The Collective Spiritual Awakening and The Harmonic Convergence

The Harmonic Convergence on August 16-17, 1987 was a time of activations that triggered the Collective Spiritual Awakening and what we see and feel taking place in the world right now is connected to what we did back then. It’s … Continue reading
The Lion’s Gate Portal 2021

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal 2021? How Does it Effect Human Consciousness? The opening and activation of the Lion’s Gate Portal effects our Human Consciousness every year…and it’s meant to! It is all part of an ancient cosmic design … Continue reading
The Star Conjunction, the Solstice and the Awakening

The Star Conjunction and the December Solstice are Reaching into our Psyches The Star conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter is aligning with the Sun and Celestial energies to help us awaken to the truth and remember who we are. It … Continue reading
The Whales Share Their Medicine and Help Us Remember Who We Are

The Whales share their Medicine as they migrate north, and each of them is helping us to remember our inner sounds and activate the codes held within our DNA. Each day the whales are sharing their medicine into our human … Continue reading
Cosmic Consciousness and the Lions Gate Portal

The Lions Gate Portal re-opened on the 8th August This Stargate Portal is once again filling our planetary energy grid, human hearts and subtle bodies with encoded Light Frequencies. These Light Frequencies, that come through the Lions Gate Portal, come … Continue reading
Channelled Information in Star Trek

Many movies, books and TV programmes incorporate channelled information from entities, non-human intelligences and beings in higher realms. Sometimes the teachings come from an author or producer’s direct personal contact with beings or UFOs, sometimes the information comes via dreams, … Continue reading
Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect and Changing Realities A few weeks back I had a phone call from an acquaintance who had just encountered his first ‘Mandela Effect’. The foundations of his world were shaken as he tried to get his head … Continue reading
Celestial Energies and Soul Sovereignty

Celestial Energies and Soul Sovereignty – The Relationship Between Heaven and Soul Celestial Energies and Soul Sovereignty are innately interlinked for us Humans. All the mythic stories that tell us about the lives and dramas of the Gods and Goddesses, … Continue reading
Gosford Glyphs And Sightings – Is There A Connection?

Gosford Glyphs And Sightings (Copyright Paulina Howfield, 2018) The Gosford Glyphs, also known as the Kariong Glyphs, are located about 60 kms north of Sydney in the Brisbane National Park. While they are not easy to find, the Gosford Glyphs … Continue reading