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Copyright to Paulina Howfield, 2014
Solstice Rituals and Ceremonies at Stone Circles and Megalithic Monuments
Almost all stone circles and megalithic monuments link into the energies of the cosmos. Many track the movements of the Sun and/or Moon, some align to Orion, the Pleiades, Alpha Centauri and Sirius.
These monuments and circles demonstrate the astronomical knowledge of our forebears and their profound understanding of the movements of the heavenly bodies, and constellations. They knew how to read time by the heavens and also knew much about their influences on their daily lives.
This involved more than planning and cultivating in accordance with the movements of the Earth around the Sun, they could also calculate eclipses and solstices and created these sites so that they could regularly embrace and display these energies in physical structures for thousands of years.
Some of these sites like Stonehenge and New Grange are very famous across the world. Others are mostly known to indigenous communities across the planet, where particular people in each community have been nominated to track the solar and lunar energies, maintain the wisdom of their forebears and practise ceremonies and rituals that keep the sites sacred.
In the southwest area of North America – where Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet, the ancient people of that area inhabited Chaco Canyon and created buildings that honoured the sun and moon and many other heavenly bodies.
The winter and summer solstice was extremely important to them and rituals and ceremonies were performed on a regular basis. Also, the alignments north –south and east-west of particular buildings known as Kivas, enable the sun’s rays during these solstices to shine a path along walls and rock faces, some of which have images on them that reflect that light.
The people who created these sites have disappeared, and while the Hopis of Arizona hold their wisdoms safe and the Pueblos of New Mexico hold theirs, the truth about why these buildings were constructed is predominantly left to scientific, archaeo-astronomical and archaeological research and investigation.
But there are other ways to ‘tap’ into the information and wisdom of these places and that is through clairvoyant visions and psychic investigation. It involves interacting with and learning from the devic realms, the geo-mythic imprints, the visionary geography and the cosmic forces that still reside in such places.
So this solstice – whether you are in the northern or southern hemisphere of this beautiful planet, you may wish to consider this wisdom that has been lost and rather than think about how the energies of the Sun can work for you, to help you clear old thoughts, heal old wounds and embrace the New, you could interact with the energies of the Sun to consider the magic and mystery of these places and the ancient wisdom that they contain, so that we may individually and collectively remember and re-learn and re-think what our ancestors knew, and bring it back into our everyday lives.
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