Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: phowfield@hotmail.com
All of the Products mentioned below are available to purchase. As well as the Book, CDs, Divination Cards, Readings, CDs and Artwork, Paulina creates and delivers Healing and Art Therapy Sessions, Earth Pilgrimage Tours and Professional Training Programmes – can be designed specifically to meet your needs. If you need help with anything please send off an email or give Paulina a call today
‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temple of Malta’
For many years Paulina has been using her mediumship and telepathic skills to clear the energetic imprints within the body of the Earth, and help cleanse the shadow aspects of our Collective Consciousness. This book – ‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta’ is about her interactions with the Earth Energies and Cosmic Archetypal Imprints on the Islands of Malta.. To read more go to her book page
Divination Cards
Soul Whispers Cards
The ‘Soul Whispers’ Cards Deck was created by Paulina Howfield – using her own photo images and spiritual insights – to help bring Peace and Calm to your daily life, and help you develop a focus for your Meditations. They will also encourage you to hear the Truth that resonates WITHIN YOU and act upon the Teachings from Your UNIQUE SOUL. There are 42 cards per pack, plus two Instruction Cards. Each Card is 14cm x 9cm, laminated and printed on black card. To read more go to her Soul Whispers Cards.
Soul and Psychic Readings
Paulina does 30 minutes and 1 hour Readings in person, by phone or on skype. Readings can be done with or without cards. To discuss what you want, or make a booking with Paulina, contact her today….Your Soul is calling out…can you hear the Whispers? Find out more
‘Medicine Card’ Readings
Paulina incorporates information from angels, guides and helpers and the energy of Medicine Cards to deliver readings that help you understand more about your unique patterns, past lives and soul issues. She can also decipher the energies in your subtle bodies and help you identify what you have come to embrace and let go of.
To find out more
‘Rune’ Readings
Paulina incorporates information from angels, guides and helpers and the energy of Runes to deliver readings that help you understand more about your unique patterns, past lives and soul issues. She can also decipher the energies in your subtle bodies and help you identify what you have come to embrace and let go of. Learn
more here
‘Soul Whispers Cards’ Readings
For these Readings Paulina uses her deck of Soul Whispers Cards that she created. There are 44 cards in a pack and each Card combines one of her photographs of the natural world with her own psychological and spiritual affirmations. The ‘Soul Whispers’ Cards were created to help bring Peace and Calm to your daily life, and help you develop a focus for your Meditations. Learn more here
Card and Rune Readings
Paulina uses her skills in mediumship, clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience to deliver readings that help you understand more about your unique patterns, past lives and soul issues. She can also decipher the energies in your subtle bodies and help you identify what you have come to embrace and let go of. Readings are for 15, 30 or 60 minutes and can be done in Person, by Phone or on Skype. To read more about Card and Rune Readings click here
∞ 30 mins Consultations,∞ 60 mins Consultations
Ghostbusting Services
Paulina has been delivering her Ghostbusting and Land Healing Services for many years, and in many countries, and can tailor her Packages to suit your needs. She delivers her Ghostbusting and Land Healing Services in person and by remote viewing and her Consultations can focus on – Space Clearing – Psychic Cleansing – House And Land Clearing – Releasing Unwanted Entities – Clearing Shadow Imprints – Helping Spirits Move On. Learn more here
Purple Bags for Sacred Things
Purple and Violet represent the future, our imagination and our dreams. They inspire and enhance our psychic abilities and help us calm the spiritual/soul frequency of our emotions. Plus they keep us grounded in the Here and Now while still enabling Spiritual Growth and Self understanding. So their vibration is perfect for Bags that hold Sacred Things – like crystals, stones, special amulets, angel cards and tarot decks. Paulina made these Purple Bags 14 cm x 19 cm to accompany my Soul Whispers Cards (all 42 of them), as their colour and frequency will help users connect with their Soul Essence while doing readings with them. But you may have other Sacred Things you want to put in them, which will be enhanced by all the properties mentioned above.
White OWL Magnets
Hand made and crafted by Paulina, these Magnets resonate with her shamanic studies and relationship to White Owls. Owls represent intuitive knowledge as well as wisdom, and they have been revered and/or feared in many cultures on our glorious planet. They can also fly silently and have an ability to ‘see’ or perceive what others can’t. If you carry Owl medicine, it’s likely that you have the knowledge or skill to see the hidden truth of things. You can also ‘see’ the inner shadow, and no one can deceive you in any way, as you ‘sense’ or ‘see’ what people are trying to hide. You will probably also be drawn to owls, and you may resonate with these White Owl Magnets that she created. If you do like them and want one for your fridge or some other place, let me know in a personal message via phowfield@hotmail.com and I can send details about how to get them.
Meditations, Shamanic Journeys, Talks ( Audios)
‘Hitching Post of the SUN’ – Earth Healing Meditation at Machu Picchu
This 45 minutes Shamanic Meditation Process is part of a series of Shamanic Journeys that Paulina created to help you connect deeply to the ancient wisdom held at Sacred Sites. During a Grand Cosmic Alignment in 2010, Paulina was doing her Earth Energy work in New Zealand when a Healing Room was created by the Guardians of the SUN. She was invited to visit and interact with the new Healing Room (that was set up to help us with our ascension) and was asked by the makers and Guardians to create a meditation process and shamanic journey that would help people visit the SUN’S Healing Room and experience deep cosmic healing. Learn more here
‘Connecting With the Earth – Light and Soul Meditation’
Created as part of a 100 Days of Meditating Project, this 45 minutes Meditation will help you Connect with the Earth; interact with your Light and Soul Energies; and access your own personal LOVE frequency. Learn more here
‘Singing With The Angels’ – Angelic Contact and Chakra Healing Meditation Process
In 1993 Paulina developed a One Day Workshop called ‘Singing With The Angels’ to help others develop and enhance their capacity to have Angelic encounters. For five years she presented it at Conferences and Festivals in the UK, Australia and America. In 1997 Paulina recorded three of the workshops and combined them to create a ‘Singing With The Angels’ Meditation CD. This meditation lasts approximately 60 minutes and enables those who use it to consciously engage and sing with the Angelic Realms and have profound Angelic encounters. Learn more here
Reconnecting the Heart – Meditation
This Reconnecting the Heart, Meditation Process helps the listener open their heart, reconnect their mother earth and father sky and harmonise the energies of their mind, body and spirit. Learn more here
Triggers of Consciousness – Talks and Articles
Paulina has spoken at numerous Conferences and written various article. This compilation includes audios of some of her Articles and are aimed at helping the listener trigger their consciousness and consider new ways of being. Learn more here
Healing Consultations
Paulina has worked as a Healer in numerous countries and has delivered her services at homes, in hospitals, in aged care facilities and with children in care. While her Healing Therapies can be tailored to suit each client and may incorporate numerous techniques and methodologies, the information below gives a general overview of what each different healing modality can provide. To make an appointment or discuss the services contact her on 0439 947 109 on Mon-Fri between 9am to 6pm to discuss how she can help. To find out more click on the categories below and also Learn more here
∞ Body Energy Alignment
∞ Healing Consultations
∞ Past Life Therapy
∞ Shamanic Journeying
∞ Past Life Therapy
∞ Wellness Consultations
∞ Living With Soul
∞ Art and Soul
Art Therapy, Sandplay and Counselling
Paulina delivers Individual and Group Therapy, Supervision, Professional Development and Workplace Training in a range of Art and Sandplay Therapies that offer wellness for the mind, body and soul. Art and Sandplay therapies by-pass the monkey mind and activate the right brain, enabling clients to develop their creativity and intuition as well as quickly change behaviour, develop self esteem, clarify life purpose and develop life skills. They are also fantastic for exploring illness, depression, stress and end-of-life issues. Give Paulina a call today on 0439 947 109 and she will help you clarify what you want, so that she can deliver what you need. To find out more click on the categories below and also Learn more here
∞ Integrative Arts Therapy
∞ Sandplay Therapy
∞ Clay Therapy
∞ Creative Visualisation
∞ Mandalas
∞ Storytelling
∞ Watercolour Therapy
∞ Hypnosis and Regression
Creative Expressions – Art and Photography
Paulina’s creative expressions and art products embody the ‘making of art’ process, and aim to give the purchaser/viewer an artwork that will challenge, inspire and feed their soul. To discuss a Commission, the style of art or make a purchase, you can contact Paulina either by phone at 0439 947 109. She looks forward to discussing her creative process and her creative expressions and helping you make the perfect purchase for yourself, your business, your family and friends. All Paulina’s artwork, photo-art and photography can also now be purchased as ‘limited edition prints’ that are printed on demand on Quarelle and Hahnemuhle Paper. Read more about how to get one of her limited edition prints and view her smaller art products and training courses via the links below. To find out more click on the categories below and also click here
∞ Bookmarks
∞ Greeting Cards
∞ Magnets
∞ Paintings
∞ Photography
∞ Art Therapy Training
∞ Art Tuition
∞ Commissions
∞ Community Art
Space and Land Clearing Consultations
Paulina travels the world helping people understand how energy manifests in the Earth, in their homes, in their workplaces, and in their bodies.She provides a Consultation Service and delivers Training Programmes and whether she is teaching, lecturing or consulting, her passion is to help everyone Harmoniously Interact with the Earth. Her Harmonious Earth Consultations include Ghostbusting, Space Clearing and House Cleansing, Land Rituals and Ceremonies, and Creating Medicine Wheels. Paulina also creates personal home and land packages to meet your particular needs. To book a Consultation (see below) or discuss her services you can phone on 0439 947 109 or email her, by going to the contact page and sending off your request. Also read more here
∞ Ghostbusting
∞ Psychic Cleansing
∞ Entity and Imprint Release
∞ Land Healing
∞ Space Clearing
∞ Earth Rituals
∞ Medicine Wheels
∞ Sacred Symbols
Grid Engineering Training, Workshops and Classes
These workshops are an introduction to the Curriculum Programme ‘Earth Energies Consciousness Training’ (EECT) that Paulina teaches. Both aim to develop competency in effective interacting and communing with the Earth, and are pre-requisites for the next levels of training in the EECT programme. These courses are currently offered in Australia, the UK, and New Zealand. Contact her by phone on 0439 947 109 or email her via the contact page to find out more. Read the categories below and learn more here
∞ Earth Energies Consciousness Training (EECT)
∞ Listening to the Heartbeat
∞ Answering the Call
Metaphysical and Esoteric Workshops
Remembering who we are, where we came from and why we are here is the foundation to these esoteric workshops and teachings. While Paulina’s esoteric workshops enable this simple, yet profound understanding to become clear, she also teaches more advanced and in-depth esoteric workshops that foster deeper remembering and re-connection as we investigate the hidden meanings that exist in the symbols and imprints of our lives. The esoteric workshops Paulina offers can be tailored to your individual and group requirements. Read more at the categories below and via this link
∞ Esoteric Workshops
∞ Singing With The Angels
∞ How To Live While Grieving
∞ Pathways To The Stars
Pilgrimages and Tours
∞ 2018 Tours
∞ Create a Tour
∞ One to One Training/Tours
Meditation Stones
Crop Circle Meditation Stones and Handcrafted Bags
These Sets of Crop Circle Meditation Stones were created by Paulina to help you connect to the energies of Crop Circles. Each image will help you interact with the early images of crop circles and develop your own connection to these images to forge a deep understanding of why they are appearing and what they have to teach us. Learn more here
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