Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: phowfield@hotmail.com
CD ‘Hitching Post of the Sun’
Earth Healing Meditation at Machu Picchu
This Shamanic Meditation process by Paulina Howfield is part of a series of Shamanic Journeys that she created to help you connect deeply to the ancient wisdom held at Sacred Sites.
This CD can be purchased at Paulina’s workshops and talks, or ordered via her contact page or by message on facebook
The Hitching Post of the SUN – Earth Healing Meditation at Machu Picchu
This Hitching Post of the SUN, Earth Healing Meditation Process, was created as a result of the Grand Cosmic Alignment in 2010. During the Cosmic Alignment, Paulina was doing her Earth Energy work in New Zealand when a Healing Room was created by the Guardians of the SUN. She was invited to visit and interact with the new Healing Room (that was set up to help us with our ascension) and was asked by the makers and Guardians to create a meditation process and shamanic journey that would help people visit the SUN’S Healing Room and experience deep cosmic healing. This CD Process is her response to their request and is one of five that she has created to enable journeyers to have unique experiences as they interact with some of the most well-known sacred sites on our planet and deepen their relationship with the ancient guardians and cosmic entities that enhance their energetic resonances.
What Happens in the Meditation?
Led by Paulina and supported by music from Shaun Winslow, this shamanic journey/earth healing meditation leads you to the Inner Earth to meet your guides and helpers, before journeying to experience the APUS at the Hitching Post of the SUN at Machu Picchu. After meeting the APUS and spending time with them, Paulina leads you out into the cosmos to experience deep alignment and re-connection at the Healing Room of the SUN.
It can be used by individuals or groups and enables re-connection to Ancient planetary wisdom and our ‘I AM’ Presence. It will also help cleanse energy fields, prepare the 3D body for Ascension and re-connect the mind, body, soul and spirit. This particular Process also activates and encodes Ascension Processes in the DNA as you re-connect with the healing energies of the EARTH and SUN. It can also be used to facilitate work with Earth changes.
Due to the skills of Shaun Winslow the tunings and rhythm of the backing music to this Sun Meditation Process at Machu Picchu are linked to Hans Cousto’s calculations for the theoretical frequency of the Sun, 32312.52 HZ from ‘The Cosmic Octave’
This CD is $25 plus p&p and can be ordered via her contact page or by message on facebook
Paulina Howfield has trained in numerous traditional and esoteric disciplines. For many years she has travelled the world interacting and working metaphysically with Earth Energies and beings in other realms. She runs Tours and Pilgrimages to sacred places, is an Earth Energy Consultant, Art Psychotherapist, Energy Worker, Author and Public Speaker.
Shaun Winslow has been a professional musician, is a professional scientist and has interests in Astrology, Qabalah, Water and the Spiritual and Psychological effects of rhythm and sound frequency. He still likes to play electric guitar very loud and rock out.
‘I bought a copy of your CD ‘Hitching Post of the Sun,’ which I find inspirational as I connect with it personally’ – Paul August, 2017
‘I laid out my beautiful coloured sarong under my sacred tree and I placed your Soul Whisper Cards around me in a circle and I laid down. I also placed particular cards on my chakras. I went into a deep peaceful state. When I saw myself going into the Sun Healing Cave – in your meditation process – I saw myself floating above it in my child state and I floated down into it. When you said they were giving me a gift I felt a flower fall out of the tree and straight at my right hand. Very beautiful and powerful healing of my little child and there was a pulsating on my sacral chakra which is emotions to do with childhood so very apparent that in the healing my child self was being healed. Beautiful’ – Wendy January, 2017 (A customer who combined The Earth Meditation Process with Paulina’s Soul Whispers Cards)
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