Ph: 0439 947 109 Email:phowfield@hotmail.com
Conferences, Presentations and Public Speaking
Since the 1980’s Paulina has been running workshops, delivering talks and presenting papers at Conferences around the world. She has spoken at numerous Mind, Body, Spirit Conferences, where she discusses her interest in health and wellness, spiritual consciousness, metaphysics and Earth energies. She also has a strong background in psychology, training delivery, art therapy and personal development and is happy to discuss your needs and tailor a presentation for your next conference or Expo. She has done numerous interviews on various media outlets and is happy to discuss future interviews with you. For a selection of her past events and Conferences see below:
‘Effective Communication’ – Training Programme
Wednesday 31st August, 2011 & Wednesday 7th September 2011
9am – 5pm, Peel Campus, Mandurah
Two day Professional Development Training to help employees understand and develop Effective Communication Skills for surviving and thriving in the Workplace.
To book a place contact Jacqueline Goode at RAWA Mandurah
“Getting Where You Want to Be – (While Supporting Others on Their Journey)” – Workshop
Just To Be, Fremantle, Friday 12th August, 2011, 5 – 9 pm
Professional Development Course for Therapists and Educators working with clients who want to explore their own personal, and psycho-spiritual process of development.
To book a place contact Jane Bromley, at Sophia College on 9726 1505
UK PROBE Conference – Talk
ST Annes, Blackpool, Lancashire
Saturday 26th March 2011 (2pm – 3pm)
A one hour presentation at a two day conference. I will be discussing: My work as a Grid-engineer and Lightworker, the Cosmic Agenda for Earth Changes, the Raising of the Feminine Consciousness (and its impact on the collective unconscious of humanity), and explaining some of my recent work with Dragon Lines and Lemurian energies in Peru and New Zealand. For more information contact UK Probe online at ukprobe.com https://www.matrixharmonics.com/upcoming-events/talk-at-uk-probe/
‘Singing with the Angels’ – Workshop
Saturday 2nd April(9am – 5pm) Stirling, Scotland
Using sound and colour we raise the vibrations of the body to interact and ‘Sing With the Angels’– you do not have to be able to sing to attend this workshop!
‘Pathway to the Stars’ – Workshop
Saturday 16th April (10am – 5pm) Belfast, Ireland
Metaphysical and Esoteric Training to learn how to use the body as a portal to travel the ancient pathways to connect with the cosmic self; and interact with other dimensions and beings from other galaxies.
‘Grid Engineering Training’
Saturday 23rd April (9am to 5pm) London
A one day Training workshop that combines the two principle courses in my Earth Energy Consciousness Training Programme (more information on website), to prepare participants for upcoming Earth Tours, Pilgrimages and Earth Energy Workshops.
‘Interacting with the Geomythic Landscape of Ancient Avalon’ – Earth Pilgrimage
1-6 May 2011– West Country UK
A five day Pilgrimage of Transformation interacting with the ancient sites and Earth Energies that are geomythically connected to the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
‘Crop Circle Interactions’ – Crop Circle Tour
Thursday 19th May(10am – 9pm) Southwest UK
One day tour to experience and interact with Crop Circles.
‘Re-birthing the Thames’ – Earth Pilgrimage
Saturday 21st May(10am – 5pm) London
One day discovery tour of some of the ancient sacred sites along the Thames River and in the East end area of London.
PD Training – ‘How to Communicate Effectively‘
On 2nd and 9th March 2011 we will be leading two Professional Development Training Days for RAWA. The topic of Training is ‘How to Communicate Effectively‘. Training will take place at Challenger TAFE in Mandurah. To book a place, contact Relationships Australia WA on 08 9583 6090.
‘Communication in Relationships’ – Workshop
16th February and 23rd February 2011, Mandurah TAFE
TIME: 9am – 4pm
To find out more contact Relationships Australia WA on 08 9583 6090
‘The Importance of You’ – Workshop
Dwellingup, November 2010
Two Personal Development workshops for members of the bereaved parents and siblings group – ‘The Compassionate Friends’ – at their yearly Dwellingup Retreat. If you would like to know more about this group check them out online at – The Compassionate Friends – or give them a call on 08 9535 7761
Communicate Effectively in the Home and Workplace – Workshop/Training
When: Tuesday Evenings September/October 2010
Where: George St Mandurah
to find out more contact Relationships Australia WA on 08 9583 6090