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Newsletter for July 2017 from Paulina Howfield/Matrix Harmonics

Hello and Welcome

As usual, I would like to extend a personal welcome to all the new people receiving this Newsletter for July 2017 and I look forward to a long relationship with you as we grow together.

I have been driving across the Top of Australia in the past few months, to visit two parts of this country that I haven’t seen – the Kimberleys in WA and Kakadu in NT – and it has been a long journey filled with some fantastic interactions with beautiful and rugged landscapes as well as some interesting people. After five days in Kakadu, tomorrow I drive towards the centre of this big land, before turning left to drive into north Queensland to head down to the Gold Coast to speak at the Paradigm Shift Summit in early August.

At the Summit, I will be discussing the Soul of the Earth, the Cosmic Agenda for Spiritual Awakening and my Earth Consciousness work and I think this journey has been a good way to cleanse the field, clear the decks and re-consider my mission within the bigger plan. I will also be speaking at the Transformational Shift Conference in Forster in October, and hope you can join me at one or more of them. To book tickets and find out more about what I am doing and who else is speaking see the links below.

Celestial Energy Effects

As I travelled across the country there were numerous full moons, an eclipse and some amazing sunsets. These celestial energies have been reaching into the deepest stagnation in our subtle bodies helping to cleanse and clear old issues and provide opportunity for deep change in the way we think, feel and behave. While some of these changes will not be consciously perceived for some years to come, often our bodies respond to such clear-outs with pain, tingles and weird sensations. If this has been happening to you, keep drinking lots of fresh water to flush out the old, investigate Magnesium, Silica and other minerals to assist your body and do your best to eat well and get enough rest.

EMFs and Technology

We live in a restless society these days and while we have so much technology that should be helping to make our lives easier, I look around and see more and more people becoming overwhelmed by what these technologies represent and the sense of ‘lack of time and energy’ that they enhance.

This is part of the greater plan and fits beautifully into the agenda for dumbing down our species and depressing our energy fields, so consider how much technology you really need and want in your life. Stop watching and listening to news – whether mainstream or not – and develop your intuitive and sensing skills. These are what you will need in the months and years ahead. Step out of the brain wash and become self aware NOW and it will make your journey easier. Also investigate and research ways to limit EMF frequencies in your fields and pay attention to your thoughts, your feelings and your body.

Article for Verandah Magazine about the Afterlife

near death experiences and the soulI have posted this link to my Article before, and have included it again, as it is some of what I spoke about at the Afterlife Conference and sums up what I truly believe about NDES as Activations of the SOUL, and how much governing our Soul does in each life we have. So here is the link again to Verandah Magazine, and the article is called ‘Sun, Surf and the Afterlife’. I am still grateful to have been asked to write it by the Magazine’s editor Candida Baker. She attended my talk and thought her readers would like what I talked about, so here is a link via my blog.

Travelling North


The landscape in the north of WA is stunning and the colours reach into the Soul. There are so many places that called out – Broome has a deeply healing energy, Purnululu or the Bungles is ancient and profound, the Gorges are always humbling as they teach about our insignficance in the greater plan, and some of the water ways in the Kimberleys and Kakadu are simply stunning.

I personally found the rock art in Ubirr and Nourlangie to be amongst my favourite. Western culture is so narcissistic, that most messages we create on stones, identifies our need to be seen, heard and individually recognised. What we write/draw is not about the need of the community, or helping others, and is usually something like ‘John was here’ or ‘MG loves BC’. But finding beautiful artwork on rocks, that identifies what is present in the area – good food, good water, good weather; or the spirits we need to beware of; and the teachings that are shared in the stories, highlights to me how far we have moved away from what our ancient cultures can still teach us….if we let them! And as for the 6,000 or more images that are inscribed on the rocks on the Burrup Peninsular near Dampier, they are magnificent and I truly hope that they will not be lost like so many were, as the quest for mining and finding materials in the Earth became the norm.

I have of course put some of my images of these places up on my facebook page which you can access at paulina howfield. I also plan to use many of the images for greeting cards, earth energy healing decks, and as inspiration for future art images. So over the next few years you will get to see lots in all sorts of ways and via numerous mediums. 

Sessions in Wellness for the Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul 

Wellness for the mind, body and soulI have been offering Personal Sessions in Wellness for the Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul for many years and they can be tailored to suit individual needs. Earlier this year, I was asked if I work with people to help them understand their contact with beings from other places, and as I have done so quietly for many years, I thought it was time to ‘put that out there’ so I have created new brochures and a new page under my ‘therapies’ listing on my website that is called ‘Wellness for the Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul’. You can read this page to get an idea of how these sessions can be tailored for your unique needs, and I also explain how they can help with depression, anxiety, past life recall and more. I have recently added testimonials to this page as well. You can view this page here.

Healing Room of the SUN Journey Process

Earth Healing at Machu Picchu CD

‘Healing Room of the SUN Journey Process’ – is a meditation process I put on CD back in 2010. I was prompted to do so by my galactic and ET friends – after the Sun opened a healing room to help us change our frequencies, raise our awareness and prepare for the upcoming changes and a deeper understanding of our connection to the SUN. This Process, my Book and my Soul Whispers Cards will all be available to buy at the Conferences and as I recently sent one of my products to the US without any hitches, I am now very happy to say, that you can purchase them via paypal.

Speaking at Conferences

As I wrote earlier, I am speaking at two Conferences in August and October, and I hope you or your friends can join me:

The PARADIGM SHIFT SUMMIT takes place on the Gold Coast from 5th-7th August. I am very happy to be speaking at this event and hope that you can join us. This will be filled with speakers who are at the cutting edge of our changing consciousness, and I am humbled to be included. To find out more go to www.paradigmshiftsummit.com.au. You can also join their community page on facebook to stay up to date with everything about it.

 The TRANSFORMATIONAL SHIFT CONFERENCE will be in      Forster, NSW from 6th – 8th October. This Conference is being created by TOLEC who is connected to the wisdom from the Andromeda Council. He is based in the US and creates Conferences there, so it’s great to see him bringing his expertise and information to this part of the world. I am also very happy to be speaking at this conference and hope you can join us. To find out more about this Conference and book tickets go to www.transformationalshiftconference.com

Facebook Pages

You can also join me on facebook to see regular updates about these Conferences and other things that I post. You can join me at paulinahowfieldpersonal and planetaryhealing or at my latest edition to facebook – theearthwhisperer – I look forward to your company.

You can click on these links to find out more about my booksoul whispers cardshealing room CD and artwork.

My sessions are also now available via skype and you can send me a personal message to discuss this on facebook, or via email on my contact page at www.matrixharmonics.com

As I have been travelling a lot of late this is a great way to have sessions. I have also been doing a significant amount of remote viewing, land clearing and space cleansing for people as well, so if you need these services please give me a call or message me, and we can discuss how I can help you.

Recent Blogs and RSS Feed

To sign up to receive my blogs go to https://www.matrixharmonics.com/feed/

Here are some links to previous blogs that may be of interest, and you can also link to a few of my old newsletters as well:

We Are Not Our Thoughts https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2017/07/we-are-not-our-thoughts/

Paying Attention to our Emotions https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2017/07/paying-attention-to-your-emotions/

Using the Sun to Help Visualise Change https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2017/07/the-sun-visualisation-change/

Change Our View Of Death Before We Die – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/10/change-our-view-of-death/

Paying Attention – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2015/12/paying-attention-and-developing-awareness-can-create-a-peaceful-world/

Transmute Our Energies With Fire – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/06/transmute-our-energies-with-fire/

NDE And The Soul – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/11/near-death-experiences-and-the-soul/

Should We Go Into The Light – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/06/should-we-go-into-the-light-when-we-die/Close Encounters – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/04/close-encounters-our-cosmic-essence

How Can I Help?

As an old starseed, esoteric map-maker I came in to help prepare the energies – which I have done for many years. I also came in to hold the frequencies and provide support as the bulk of the changes occur. This is happening now and many of us who have been quietly doing our thing are being prodded to let others know that we are there if needed. So, I am here and I am doing my best to Answer the Call. If you would like to discuss anything with me, please contact me.

Till the next Newsletter may your heart be filled with unconditional love and may each day bring you closer to total soul recall



Paulina has trained in numerous traditional and esoteric disciplines including education, psychotherapy, art therapy, counselling, shamanism, healing, psychic development, mediumship and space clearing. For over twenty five years she has interacted with individuals, businesses and organisations in a training and consultancy capacity, while also travelling the world interacting and working metaphysically with Earth energies and beings in other realms. She runs Tours and Pilgrimages to sacred places, is an Earth Energy Consultant, Art Therapist, Shamanic Healer, Workshop Leader, Author and Public Speaker. 


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We are not our thoughts, yet they influence us in every moment!

In spiritual practise it is important to understand that we are not our thoughts.

In order to fully recognise the influence our thoughts have on our daily life, we need to pay attention to them as often as possible and in every moment. This helps develop our awareness and brings our inner and outer worlds into alignment.

Start by ‘noticing’ or paying attention when you wake up after a sleep – What are the first thoughts you have? Then notice while at work what you think of as you do your tasks.

We Are Not Our Thoughts

We are not our thoughts

Pay attention when you interact with others and notice where your thoughts go. How well do you listen to the other person? Are you sorting out your answer, thinking of a clever repartee, or are you in the moment with them? Do your thoughts lead the conversation or do they distract you from being present?

Then notice while eating, when at play, while reading, while driving – while doing everything and anything. Pay attention and discover where your thoughts lead you and what they rest on. You may be surprised by the lanes and pathways your thoughts take.

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Paying Attention to Our EMOTIONS

Paying attention to our Emotions is another part of our journey to personal and spiritual understanding.

This is because paying attention to our emotions helps us understand more of who we are, and what we are attuning to.

Emotions are just like thoughts, they are not who we are, and they are not ‘ours’. They are simply energy in motion – passing through – that we have chosen to identify with.

Why are our Emotions Important?

It may be our experiences, our beliefs, our thoughts, and the patterns of our DNA that influence how we engage with our Emotions, but it is our BELIEF that we ARE them, that keeps them ‘running’ in our lives.

Our minds, egos and bodies like to take ownership. These are mine! They are familiar! This is how it’s always been! I cannot possibly forget! I will not let go! And so on.

Pay Attention to your Emotions

paying attention to your emotions helps you understand who you are

So Watch your Emotions as they pass you by, Feel your Emotions as they pass you by, Breathe out your Emotions as they pass you by, and ask yourself – If I am not my Emotions and I am not my Thoughts and I am not my Body – WHO AM I?

To find out more about how to manage your emotions book a consultation with Paulina today, or read more about her personal sessions here. Or why not join her on facebook to share more about what you feel. Plus you can sing up for her Newsletter at this link

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Using the Sun to Help Visualise Change

Using the Sun to help Visualise Change Can Help us Release Old Patterns and Understand our Relationship to Energy

Image of the sun at sunset taken by Paulina Howfield

Meditate for Change with The SUN

The Sun is such a powerful force to help us change and grow and can help us understand the qualities of movement in our inner world. So I thought that I would share a brief visualisation that you can consider as you look at the Sun setting, either in this photo image I took, or via the Sun in the sky over the next few days:

Begin by visualising the Sun as just one member of a huge group of stars that are swirling in the massive pinwheel shape of the Milky Way. Then draw yourself out of this pinwheel of light and into the spiralling of your own DNA’s double helix.

As you do this, consider how you move in and through the world. Are you led by your genetic patterns, the beliefs of others, or perhaps your inherited fears? Do you feel held back, or pushed forward by your lineage, or maybe you feel awash or adrift in a massive universe? Use the energy of the Sun to help you heal, cleanse and clear anything you feel you wish to.

Then consider what kind of reaction you create with the energy you send into the universe. What words would you use to describe the way you move through both the material and spiritual worlds? Do you shine your light? Do you soak up the light of others? Do you constantly bounce of others, or reflect their light and forget your own?

Finally – are your movements compatible with your Soul? Are they compatible with the Shift we are all experiencing? Engage with the Sun, in such a way, for at least one month and notice the changes within and around you. Let its energies infuse your mind, body, spirit and soul with its light, and give yourself permission to dance in the energy of transformation as you move ‘in’ the light.

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Paulina Howfield NEWSLETTER April 2017


There is lots of news this month about products and upcoming speaking events, as well as an update on the Conferences in Byron Bay. Plus I did a talk at UFOR NSW and a recent interview on Beacon of Light Radio. But first – the changing energies

Changing Energies

For many people 2017 is proving to be a year of change and bombardment by – or connection with – higher frequencies. So far this year we have had three powerful full moons and a light infused March Equinox, and every celestial event is reaching further into the toxic and stagnant energies of our subtle bodies helping us to cleanse and elevate our fields. While many of the symptoms that come with this elevation such as aches and pains in the body, unexpected tiredness and unusual emotional swings can feel exhausting – congratulations you are part of the shift and We Are It!

Conferences in Byron Bay

Audience at NDEs Soul Encoded Activations Presentation

In my previous Newsletter, I mentioned that I was heading to Byron Bay for the Afterlife Explorers and Close Encounters Conferences. Both of those events went well and it is great to see people gathering for such meetings, being open to such information and being so eager to learn more.

The Delegates also, of course, have their own stories to share and in the second and third day of the Close Encounters Conference many people told their stories supported by members of F.R.E.E and the great volunteers who helped to make it all possible.

Due to a synchronous set of circumstances, I ended up presenting my talk about ‘NDEs as Activations of the Soul’ in the larger auditorium, which meant that I not only had a bigger audience, but it was also recorded and should be a part of the Conference DVD.

As it was the only ‘event’ that took place at that time, it meant we had a full house and I am very grateful for how it all worked out. While I am sure that my guides and helpers in the higher realms had something to do with it, I am also thankful to Conference organisers Mick Turner and Kathryn Hand for coming up with the idea and making it happen on the day. At the time it seemed to be a confirmation from all sources that getting back into the arena of public speaking was the right thing to do.

‘My Alien Encounter’ – Special Event

MC Mary Rodwell opens the Alien Encounter Event

We also had the special event ‘My Alien Encounter’ that I spoke at, and as I sat backstage with the other speakers and also heard their stories, there was great confirmation of what we are doing and why, and how the experiences are similar all around the world.  And the feedback we got from the audience suggested that it helped them too.

As I said earlier, my presentation about ‘NDEs and the SOU’L – was recorded and I believe it will be included in a Conference DVD that the organisers will be making available. When I hear more about that I will put links up so you can find out more and perhaps purchase it.

Article for Verandah Magazine about the Afterlife

near death experiences and the soulIn the meantime here is a link to an Article that I wrote for Verandah Magazine, calledSun, Surf and the Afterlife’. This article is pretty similar to the content of my talk, and I am grateful to have been asked to write it by the Magazine’s editor Candida Baker. She attended my talk and thought her readers would like what I talked about, so here is a link via my blog.

Travelling South to Sydney

After the Conference it was time to go to Sydney, and I shared the drive with one of the Conference volunteers who lives in Sydney. On the way we visited Crystal Castle in Mullumbimby, Mount Warning, Minyon Falls, Dorrigo and the Promised Land near Bellingen, and some of my photos from these places are included on my facebook pages. We also met up with some of the other Conference ‘helpers’ in Coffs Harbour for a Coffee – which is where the Conferences will be held in January, 2018.

On the drive from Byron to Sydney I was intrigued by how strong the energy of water was in the land and atmosphere. While it was very humid and the rainfall in this area can be high, this was different and I was reminded of conversations I had some years back with a local indigenous Elder about land changes and elevations of certain parts of the east coast. As we drove along the roads and crossed bridges and inlets, I could see – rather like in visions that I get about Atlantis and Lemuria – the areas after changes – where islets were the norm and certain parts were elevated. I don’t see this happening very soon, but it will change the landscape and bring new water energies into our consciousness, so like the SUN energy that I discuss later in relation to my meditation process – the more we can connect to the elemental energy fields, the more we can understand how they influence us and learn what they are trying to teach us.

UFOR Talk in Sydney

Image of presentation ETs, Sacred Sites and Earth Consciousness

In Sydney I gave a talk at the UFOR NSW gathering in Ryde, called ‘ETs, Sacred Sites and Earth Consciousness‘ where I shared about my NDE, my contact with my ET friends and how my work with them as an ‘esoteric map-maker’ relates to our collective awakening. It was great to meet up with a fellow speaker from the Conferences at this event as we shared the podium, and Mariana Flynn was a great support during and after our presentations. Generally, I met some great people in Sydney and have some new friends as a result. Here is the link to the audio of that talk

Wellness for the Body, Mind, Spirit and SOUL – CONSULTATIONS

Wellness for the mind, body and soulAfter the Conference and at the UFOR Talk I was asked if I work with people to help them understand their contact with beings from other places. As I have done so quietly for many years, I thought it was time to ‘put that out there’ so I have created new brochures and a new page on my website that will help you get a better idea of that work and how these sessions can also help with depression, anxiety, past life recall and more. I was fortunate to get some good testimonials to add as well. The link is here.

Product Testimonials

Earth Healing at Machu Picchu CD

I also got some good reviews about my ‘Soul Whispers Cards’ and Earth Meditation Process at Machu Picchu called Healing Room of the SUN’. At the Conferences people were interested in all my products which was exciting and humbling. I had numerous discussions with people about Malta as my book ‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta‘ triggered warm memories for some and significant wonder for others. You can find links to all my products a bit later in this Newsletter. I was pleased to see how positively the ‘Healing Room of the SUN’ process was received, as I created this meditation process and put it on CD back in 2010, after being prompted by my galactic and ET friends. I was in New Zealand on my way to Peru, when there was a galactic grand cross alignment. Under cover of this grand event a galactic healing room was created on the SUN and my friends in higher places wanted me to create a meditation process to enable people to enter it to help change their frequencies, raise their awareness and prepare their energy fields for the upcoming changes. My off planet teachers and guides have always been clear that it will also enable listeners/journeyers to achieve a deeper understanding of our connection to the SUN. So it seems that NOW is the time for such a process to be accessed and used in the way they intended.

Radio Interview

I talk about the importance of this process as well as my work as an esoteric mapmaker in the UK and Malta in an interview I did with Bob Brown last week, on his programme at Beacon of Light Radio. We also talked about NDEs and the Soul, Earth Energies, Atlantis, Lemuria and the Goddess Sites of Malta. The conversations off air were pretty great as well. You can listen to it here.

Speaking at Conferences – August and October 2017

I will also be speaking at two Conferences later this year:

The PARADIGM SHIFT SUMMIT takes place on the Gold Coast from 5th-7th August. I am very happy to be speaking at this event and hope that you can join us. This will be filled with speakers who are at the cutting edge of our changing consciousness, and I am humbled to be included. To find out more go to http://www.paradigmshift.com.au. You can also join their community page on facebook to stay up to date with everything about it.


The TRANSFORMATIONAL SHIFT EVENT will be in Forster, NSW from 6th – 8th October. This Conference is being created by TOLEC who is connected to the wisdom from the Andromeda Council. He is based in the US and creates Conferences there, so it’s great to see him bringing his expertise and information to this part of the world. I am also very happy to be speaking at this conference and hope you can join us. To find out more about this Conference and book tickets go to www.transformationalshiftevents.com/

Facebook Pages

You can also join me on facebook to see regular updates about these Conferences and other things that I post. You can join me at paulinahowfield, personal and planetaryhealing or at my latest edition to facebook – theearthwhisperer – I look forward to your company.

You can click on these links to find out more about my book, soul whispers cards, healing room CD and artwork.

My sessions are also now available via skype and you can send me a personal message me to discuss this on facebook, or by email via my contact page at www.matrixharmonics.com

Recent Blogs and RSS Feed

To sign up to receive my blogs go to https://www.matrixharmonics.com/feed/

Here are some links to previous blogs that may be of interest, and you can also link to a few of my old newsletters as well:

Change Our View Of Death Before We Die – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/10/change-our-view-of-death/
Paying Attention – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2015/12/paying-attention-and-developing-awareness-can-create-a-peaceful-world/
Transmute Our Energies With Fire – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/06/transmute-our-energies-with-fire/
NDE And The Soul – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/11/near-death-experiences-and-the-soul/
Should We Go Into The Light – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/06/should-we-go-into-the-light-when-we-die/
Close Encounters – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/04/close-encounters-our-cosmic-essence

Change is the new Black – or should that be Orange?

Like I wrote in December last year, 2016 was a year of re-working, re-thinking and re-creating, and now is the time for me to take it forward. As the changes take place and the frequencies lift, it is important that as many of us as possible have access to what we need, and do what we came to do – no matter what.

As an old starseed, esoteric map-maker I came in to help prepare the energies – which I have done for many years. I also came in to hold the frequencies and provide support as the bulk of the changes occur. This is happening now and many of us who have been quietly doing our thing are being prodded to let others know that we are there if needed. So, I am here and I am doing my best to Answer the Call. If you would like to discuss anything with me, please contact me.

Till the next Newsletter may all the forces be with you and may your heart be filled with unconditional love




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Near Death Experiences and The SOUL

Are Near Death Experiences Encoded By The SOUL Before Birth?

What if ‘Near Death Experiences’ are actually encoded into our subtle bodies before birth? What if they are placed there by our SOUL before we incarnate, to help us wake up to our purpose, and also initiate the process of deep remembering that supports us in Surrendering the Ego to the SOUL?

near death experiences and the soul Considering these questions, can change the way we research near death experiences and help us move towards a greater understanding of what near death experiences are and why they happen. It also helps us develop a deeper spiritual knowledge and understanding about how the soul operates and how it shares knowledge through multiple incarnations.

Investigating near death experiences from the view of a SOUL that is prompting us to awaken and connect with purpose, can also provide insight and wisdom for those who feel separate, who have no interest in life and strive to find meaning and purpose. What they can teach us can help us bridge the soul and the ego and start Living with SOUL while we are still alive and in a physical body.

The SOUL and the EGO

In any embodiment of being a human, the Soul can have its greatest impact when there is a close relationship between the Soul and Ego, as this strengthens the capacity for the Soul’s work. A close relationship helps the Ego surrender its hold, thus facilitating the Soul’s multi-dimensional nature to take hold and fully embody ALL THAT IS.

While each person’s NDE will be relevant to their past Soul experiences and relative to what their purpose is in any lifetime, helping the Ego to surrender its hold creates a very different life for the being who returns. A life lived via Soul in connection with Consciousness, is very different to a life lived via Ego without Consciousness, without connection and full of separation. The Soul knows this and wants itself to grow as much as it can during each incarnation – while also facilitating each human incarnation to fulfil its purpose.

So before incarnation, our Soul chooses a body, its parents, a country of birth, a gender, its petty tyrants, specific meetings with significant others, and certain agendas that it aims to fulfil. Some of these plans are best fulfilled via experiencing/remembering the Sea of Consciousness that we are all a part of. This Sea of Consciousness is timeless, formless and full of unconditional love. It has no judgement, no separation, no beginning and no end. And this is what we experience in an NDE.

Near Death Experiences and the Sea of Consciousness

In this Sea of Consciousness we experience existence without the binding of the Ego and the sense of separation that is created by our thoughts. We become aware that we are not our bodies, that nothing exists in isolation and nothing is separate. There is a sensation of unconditional love, profound joy and wisdom and a deep connection that saturates the cells of the body leaving permanent change.

Whether the experience involves meeting loved ones or religious figures or bathing in the light of consciousness or, conversely, involves experiences that are debilitating and frightening to our human selves, the Soul is always providing the best opportunity for growth, understanding and awakening. These experiences are visceral interactions with universal consciousness and the non-physical realms that are meant to be transformative. The Soul has no 3D judgement and doesn’t make things good or bad – it simply knows it volunteered for the experiences, always for deeper growth and further understanding.

What does a Near Death Experience Teach Us?

While the effects of an NDE and what it teaches is also dependent on what each of us came to do and need to remember, I believe NDEs also aim to help experiencers grow and develop to eventual permanent Awakening. So the experience itself is not just an indication of what happens after we die. It is a prompt or nudge for what we do next with regard to permanent awakening and is a deliberate trigger to help us embody this truth and incorporate that awareness in all that we do in our lives.

So they prompt experiencers to embrace Dying as a metaphysical and spiritual concept, whereby the individual can focus on learning how to prepare for the Afterlife and navigate the energies that exist there. This is important, as how we navigate the Afterlife – or what the Buddhists call the Bardot – helps us liberate our Souls from the cycle of free will. Reincarnation continues until a Soul’s every thought and action within a physical body is in accord with the plan that is originally laid out. When the body/mind is no longer a hindrance to the free expression of the Soul – and the conscious mind has merged with the subconscious and super-conscious – the earth cycle is finished and the Soul is liberated. It attains complete human-divine unity, its cycle of reincarnations is finished, and the soul then merges with its spirit and, therefore, with Consciousness. At this time the Soul record (memory) is forever retained. This record is, at all times, the sum total of what the Soul personality has been: all it has thought, all it has experienced; all it has eaten, drunk, and felt through the ages.

Total Soul Recall and Sense of Purpose

This Total Soul Recall is important to every Soul’s journey and helps each human fulfill a purpose. It can also help western culture understand that the Soul’s quest for permanent awakening is critical to understanding why NDE’s occur and how they impact lives. It is also important and relevant to how they are investigated and explained, because there is a purpose to these experiences that cannot be quantified, measured and tested in the investigative style of the left brain.

Many who have experienced a near death talk about a mission; a sense of purpose, and/or an understanding of Something Other. This remembering of a purpose – at the deepest part of our being – is part of the awakening that comes with an NDE. As we remember we re-connect, we realise who we really are, what we came to do and how we can best fulfil our unique purpose. Our sense of connection to Something Other is the recognition of our multi-dimensional nature, our Soul and our inter-connectedness with all things in all realms.

NDEs drop us into the heart, take our breath away and dissolve the words. Understanding them via the expressions of our Soul and engaging with them through multi-dimensional truths is a profound way to learn more about them and can potentially help all of humanity as we move deeper into the spiritual evolution of our species. This enables us to bridge the Ego and Soul with insight and deeper truth and also embody Consciousness while in human form. It helps us to die with peace and certainty and easily navigate the stormy waters of the collective unconscious and astral realms after death of the physical body. It also enables us to know what to surrender to, and how to embrace ‘paying attention’ rather than trying to fix things. Ultimately it also teaches us about the realms of consciousness and multi-dimensions that we are a part of and helps us recall the truth, so that we may journey consciously back through the stars and fully re-merge with the Source.

Paulina Howfield had a near death experience in 1986. It was a catalyst for a deep soul remembering and left her with a sense of mission and purpose for this incarnation that is a continuance of other incarnations on this planet. It is also the foundation to her work with the Earth and our human consciousness. Since the near death experience, she has also integrated numerous aspects and discovered more about her own experiences as well, including her insights about how the Soul can place the triggers for these spiritually awakening experiences. You can listen to more about her experience at the links below that lead to a selection of interviews and talks that focus on Paulina’s near death experience and her understanding of soul triggers:

1. Cosmic Conversations’ – Paulina Howfield Talks about her Near Death Experience
2. Are Near Death Experiences Encoded By The SOUL Before Birth?’
3. After a near-death experience Paulina developed skills to help others understand life after death, energy and healing medicines, consciousness, and spirituality
4. Let’s Talk Near Death – The NDE of Paulina Howfield
5. After Paulina’s NDE, her ‘contact’ experiences changed, as did her understanding about them


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Spiritual Development & Releasing Greed in 2017

Spiritual Development and Conscious Awakening in 2017

With regard to our Spiritual Development, 2016 has been a year of completion, helping us to finish our projects, release old habits and for many famous people, as well as our own friends and loved ones, it has been a year of completing the current cycle of 3D life on this planet.

spiritual development and light As we move into the frequencies that 2017 brings we enter the energy of the number 1, connecting us to beginnings, new ideas, new creations and unique concepts. So it’s time to start that new project, step into your true essence and embrace your uniqueness with all its quirks. Number 1 also resonates with the deepest understanding that we each create our own reality and what we pay attention to, and what we focus on, creates the world that we live in.

Spiritual Development and Personal Responsibility

This is what the past twenty five years has been pushing us towards – to taking responsibility for our thoughts, beliefs and actions. But of course that is only one aspect of the spiritual awakening. To fully embrace who we are, and experience a deeper connection to universal consciousness, each of us also needs to recognise that we are not our thoughts, we are not our minds, we are not our beliefs, and we are not our bodies.

Spiritual Development means Integrating I AM THAT I AM

This is where we begin to explore the I AM THAT I AM that we are all a part of. If we are not our thoughts – then who or what is Thinking? If we are not our emotions, but we have feelings and emotional reactions to things that take place in our lives – then what is their Source? If we are not our Bodies yet we think we are – what can this teach us about death and the Afterlife? These are just some of the questions that can lead us to a deeper, yet less attached connection, to our true cosmic nature.

In 2017, as we embrace all that a number 1 year can bring, I wish that each and everyone one of you, and myself too, may have a deeper connection to That Which Is, to the truth of Who We Are, and the Love that is ALL that there is. May our Hearts be more Open, May Gratitude Resonate in all we do, and our individual and collective Fear and Greed Surrender to the Trust that is our Divine Nature.

Just to get us moving here is the beautiful song about Greed by ‘Sweet Honey in the Rock’ – Greed has a sneaky snare and thankfully they found away to sing about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZVeZYCS7fw

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Newsletter December 2016

Newsletter December 2016 for Paulina Howfield

Hello and Welcome to the Final Newsletter for 2016. As the end of 2016 approaches I am happy to have fulfilled my plans for this year and can now launch my new products ready for 2017.

My first product is my book – ‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta ’   which has just been published and will be launched on the December Solstice. You can find more information about the book below, as well as my other new product – ‘Soul Whispers’ Cards.

They are both projects that I wanted to complete and share with you before the end of the year, and I am grateful that I have finished them and they are no longer in my ‘to do’ basket.

This has been a busy year for many of us, so I hope that you too have managed to complete some long or perhaps overdue task. But of course there is always more to do isnt there? And after much re-thinking, I have also created new ways for people to experience my skill set, and having re-committed to speaking at Conferences and Expos, I look forward to how that will manifest in the year ahead.

So this Newsletter is full of information about my new products, discusses the one-to-one sessions I am offering when I visit the east coast, and gives a plug for the two Conferences that I am speaking at in January.

But first I want to talk a little about the Solstice that takes place on the 21st December:

Solstice, Stone Circles and the Light

The Solstice happens twice a year, when the Sun reaches its highest or lowest point to the celestial equator. At this time the Light from the Sun is very powerful, and we can interact with it for profound spiritual growth and deep healing.

Our relationship to the Sun is very important and is part of our galactic heritage. When we do ceremonies and rituals at the time of the Solstice we are not just connecting with the light, we are also interacting with the cosmic memory held within the light of the Sun, and it is this cosmic wisdom that our ancestors were connecting to when they designed and placed the megalithic sites across the planet.

Performing rituals and ceremonies is something our ancestors did every Solstice and they gathered to honour the elements, the constellations, the Gods and creator beings. This did not just help appease Gods or facilitate a great harvest, but it instilled the cosmic memory into the stones, the land, and the people who participated. It also energised tsunlight for newsletter december 2016he temple sites that exist in the ‘invisible realms’ that resonate above those in the physical form.

So this Solstice create a ritual for yourself that fosters your relationship to the Sun – as it will help you cleanse your subtle bodies with light and facilitate a deeper connection with the Earth and her cosmos. Rituals don’t have to be complicated or elaborate. They can be as simple as lighting a candle, meditating and offering thanks. However simple or complicated your ritual/ceremony is you can be sure that if you attend with an open heart and clear intent, the Earth and her elements will respond and welcome your attempts to connect and interact.

After doing such a Ritual to connect with the Sun, each time thereafter that you spend time in the sun, watch a sunrise or sunset, or marvel at a rainbow, you build on that initial connection and develop and strengthen your relationship. Then you can begin to develop a greater understanding of how the Sun really relates to our species and the truth of how we got here and why.

Earth Healing Meditation at Machu Picchu

To develop a deeper relationship with the cosmic memory of the Sun, you may also wish to connect with the ‘Healing Room of the Sun’ that was created in 2010. In May 2010, there was a celestial Grand Alignment which resulted in the Sun acCd Cover for Newsletter december 2016tivating a healing energy that we can connect with for ascension and healing purposes. At the time this energy centre was created I was doing Earth energy work in New Zealand and Peru, and I was asked to help others to interact with this energy by creating a Meditation Process. I led that meditation process in New Zealand, Peru and Australia.

That Meditation Process has been available to purchase as a Shamanic Journey CD since 2010. But it has recently been renamed – ‘Earth Healing Meditation at Machu Picchu’ – as it will be number one in a series that I am creating that will help foster our relationship with the different energies that resonate across the planet at specific sacred sites. The renamed CD/Thumbdrive/Download version will soon be available to purchase online. In the interim if you wish to know more, or want to pre-order a copy please do so at facebook or via my website contact page.

Speaking at Conferences

As I mentioned earlier I am now making myself available for speaking engagements and in January 2017, I am speaking at two Conferences in Byron Bay – the ‘Afterlife Explorers Conference’ and the ‘Close Encounters Conference’. They have been staged to run consecutively and I would love to see you there.

Exploring the Afterlife and investigating Close Encounters are topics that many people wouldn’t link together, yet at this time in our changing consciousness there are many routes and pathways to ‘waking up’ and these two topics help us bridge our collective and individual experiences so that we can more fully understand consciousness and its many manifestations.

The ‘Afterlife Explorers Conference’ is on the 13th and 14th January. I will be speaking on Friday 13th at 2.40pm about ‘NDE Activations Encoded by the SOUL http://www.afterlifeexplorers.com.au/speaker/paulina-howfield/

The ‘Close Encounters Conference’ is on the 15th and 16th January. I will be speaking on a Special Event Panel connected to this Conference on Saturday Evening 14th January from 7pm-10.30pm. The Event is called ‘My Alien Encounter’ and will be hosted by Marianna Flynn. To find out more go to http://closeencountersconference.com.au/

BLOG Articles Relevant to the Theme of the Conferences 

I have also written Articles published on my BLOG and the Conference Websites that are related to the Themes of the Conferences. You should be able to click on title to read the relevant article. But just in case that doesn’t work, I have included the links as well:

Change Our View Of Death Before We Die – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/10/change-our-view-of-death/
Paying Attention – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2015/12/paying-attention-and-developing-awareness-can-create-a-peaceful-world/
Transmute Our Energies With Fire – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/06/transmute-our-energies-with-fire/
NDE And The Soul – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/11/near-death-experiences-and-the-soul/
Should We Go Into The Light – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/06/should-we-go-into-the-light-when-we-die/
Close Encounters – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/04/close-encounters-our-cosmic-essence

Ten Minute Taster Sessions

During the Conference I will also be available for Ten Minute Taster Sessions of my Healing and Energy Consultations, and you can experience

  • Drum Healing
  • Ray Master Attunements
  • Body Energy Alignments
  • Chakra Cleansing
  • Subtle Body Readings
  • Card Readings

Personal Sessions in Brisbane and Sydney

After the Conference I will be in Brisbane and then Sydney and will be available for Personal Sessions in the Healing and Energy Consultations mentioned above. You can also make a booking for one or more of my Therapeutic Consultations that combine my skill sets in 90 minutes session and enable you to focus on particular things:

– Body, Planetary and SOUL Energy Alignments
– Living With SOUL, Finding Your PURPOSE Consultations
– Past Life Regression Therapy and Karma Healing
– Art and Soul Therapy

The venue for these therapies has yet to be confirmed, but if you are interested please send me a personal message at my facebook page to find out more. If you wish to learn more about my Art and SOUL Consultations go to: https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2016/05/art-and-soul/

Living With SOUL, Finding Your PURPOSE Consultations

header for living with soul for newsletter december 2016If you are interested in a ‘Living With SOUL, Finding Your PURPOSE Consultation’ I am offering a 10% discount to anyone on my mailing list throughout the month of January. These Sessions involve waking the SPIRIT, interacting with the SOUL and sharing how to follow its CALL. The SOUL is energy and has its own way of communicating, so I use my healing, metaphysical and clairvoyant skills to help you locate and interact with the messages that your SOUL has imprinted within the fields of your subtle bodies. In a Session I will ask you questions, facilitate your discovery, and work with your guides to help you clarify what you really need to fulfil the purpose of your SOUL.

Launching New Products

BOOK – ‘Remembering ISIS’

'Remembering Isis' book launched for Newsletter December 2016My book ‘Remembering ISIS – Re-connecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta’ is now at the printers and will be published on the December Solstice. It is one of a series that I am creating each of which discusses different aspects of my earth energy, healing and art therapy work.

‘Remembering ISIS’ discusses my clairvoyant and psychic earth energy work on the Islands of Malta and explains how their location is important to the energetic alignments within the planetary and cosmic energy fields. It is also the record of my daily interactions with archetypal essences and esoteric encodings as an esoteric map-maker. Like the heroes in the ancient mythologies, I interacted with great winged beings, one eyed giants, seductive nymphs and the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus. But this journey was not about the hero. This was a pilgrimage to heal and balance the Inner Heroine to help cleanse the masculine and feminine imprints within the Earth and help raise the Collective Consciousness of the Divine Feminine.

You can pre-order a copy now via my facebook page, and it will also be for sale at the Conference in January.

‘SOUL Whispers’ Cards

For some years I have wanted to create a set of cards that incorporated my nature images with my spirit and soul teachings, and this set of cards is the first of three that I plan to publish over the next few years. These cards can be ordered via my facebook page, and will be for sale at the Conference. They can be purchased with or without bags.

The ‘SOUL Whispers’ Cards were created to bring Peace and Calm to your daily life, and help you develop a focus for your Meditations. They will also encourage you to hear the Truth WITHIN. Whether you choose one ‘SOUL Whispers’ Card each day, or do a three card reading, my words and images are designed to help you connect with the Wisdom of YOUR SOUL. The Tri-Spiral on the back of the cards is a photograph I took at Newgrange in Ireland, and when it is held in the hands as you view the cards, you will absorb the energies and wisdom contained within this ancient cosmic symbol. There are 42 cards in this set, plus two Instruction Cards. Each Card is 14cm x 9cm, laminated and printed on black card. Find out more at https://www.matrixharmonics.com/products/soul-whispers-cards/

The Festive Season

If you celebrate Christmas and the Gregorian Calendar I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This past year has been a time of great change on our planet, and we have seen much unrest manifest across the world and in our psyches. As these changes take place it is important to remember that what we see and experience in the world is a manifestation of what we feel and think, so more than ever we need to exit the ‘noise’ and ‘busy ness’ of the current world, and pay attention to our own thoughts and feelings. If you can, during the festive season, turn off the TV, take the battery out of the phone, take time away from the internet, close your books and take some walks in nature or sit quietly under a tree. I hope that you find time to do this over the coming weeks, so that you will get clear about what you need to let go of as we move towards the closure of 2016 and prepare to embrace all that 2017 brings. See you in the new Year

Recent BLOGS

To sign up to receive my blogs go to https://www.matrixharmonics.com/feed/


Paulina has trained in numerous traditional and esoteric disciplines including education, psychotherapy, art therapy, counselling, shamanism, healing, psychic development, mediumship and space clearing. For many years she has interacted with individuals, businesses and organisations in a training and consultancy capacity, while also travelling the world interacting and working metaphysically with Earth energies and beings in other realms. She runs Tours and Pilgrimages to sacred places, is an Earth Energy Consultant, Art Therapist, Shamanic Healer, Workshop Leader, Author and Public Speaker.


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Near-Death Experiences and the SOUL

Near-Death Experiences and the SOUL

In January 2017 Paulina was a speaker at the Afterlife Explorers Conference in Byron Bay. This article ‘Near-Death Experiences and the SOUL’ is a taster of some of what she spoke about talk:


near death experiences and the soul For many people, near-death experiences (NDEs) are filled with colour, sound, vision and extra-ordinary timelessness, and the sensation of unconditional love, profound joy and deep connection saturates the cells of the body bringing permanent change.

Whether the experience involves meeting loved ones or religious figures; visiting beautiful places; a life review; or simply bathing in the light of consciousness; they provide visceral interactions with universal consciousness and the non-physical realms that are profoundly transformative.

While Near Death Experiences are generally catalysts for awakening and transformation, from my personal experience of Near death and through the research I have done, I believe Near Death Experiences are connected to the energies of the Soul – the essence or part of us that exists beyond the restrictions of time and body – and the experiences and the frequency of information that is shared is actually unique to each individual.

Near Death Experiences For Growth And Awakening

This is also true for those who have Near Death Experiences that they categorise as negative, debilitating or frightening. The Soul is always providing opportunities for growth, understanding and awakening. It does not judge the experience or place it in the 3D world of good and bad. The near death experience is simply something that was planned before incarnating and encoded into the subtle bodies to trigger memory and consciousness.

While this trigger creates profound and often permanent change, the lessons learnt and potential growth continues throughout this life and others.  In any embodiment of being a human the Soul can have its greatest impact when the individual bridges the energies of the Soul and EGO, as this – strengthens the capacity for the Soul’s work; helps the Ego surrender its hold; and enables its multi-dimensional nature to take hold and fully embody ALL THAT IS. So NDE’s can enable real expression of the Soul as they facilitate this bridge between the Ego and Soul.

Why Do They Happen

The effects of an Near Death Experience and what it teaches, is also dependent on – what a person came to do; what they were meant to remember; and why they chose to incarnate. While they awaken, prompt and teach us, I believe NDE’s are also aimed at helping Experiencers grow and develop to eventual permanent Awakening. So the experience itself is not just an indication of the final frontier and what happens after we die.  It is a prompt or nudge for what we do next. It is a trigger that we created – to help us embody the truth of who we are; incorporate that awareness in all that we do in our lives; and also prompt us to fully embrace living our dying, so that we may learn how to prepare for the Afterlife and navigate the energies that exist there and perhaps stay permanently Awake.

This understanding of why they occur and how they impact lives is important and relevant to how they are investigated and explained, because there is a purpose to these experiences that cannot be quantified, measured and tested in the investigative style of the left brain.

Near Death And A Sense Of Purpose

Many who have experienced a near death talk about a Mission; a Sense of Purpose, and/or an understanding of Something Other. This recognition of Something Other is not new. It is ancient and embodies all the esoteric and shamanic teachings as far back as we can currently remember.

It is Remembering at the deepest part of our being, that is part of the Awakening that comes with an NDE. As we remember we re-connect, we realise who we really are, what we came to do and how we can best fulfil our unique purpose. Our sense of connection to Something Other is the recognition of our multi-dimensional nature, our Soul and our inter-connectedness with all things in all realms. What the left brain questions, the right brain and heart already knows. NDE’s drop us into the heart, take our breath away and dissolve the words. Understanding them via the expressions of our Soul and engaging with them through multi-dimensional truths is a profound way to learn more about them; move deeper into the spiritual evolution of our species; and embody Consciousness through the expression of the Divine Feminine.

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Change Our View Of Death Before We Die

‘Change Our View of Death’

Author Paulina Howfield, Copyright 2008 (written and published in print in 2008)

In the western world death and dying are taboo subjects. To our culture they are about loss and annihilation rather than liberation and freedom, and preparing for them is generally inconceivable.

On the whole we would much rather talk about our latest achievements, most recent purchases, or what we will have for the next meal, than discuss our own cessation of life. For many, talking about death and dying is morbid and frightening! For some it is like writing a will – it calls death too close for comfort, and somehow welcomes the grim reaper to our door.

Dying Is Our One Certainty

Yet the death of the physical body is the only certainty in this life that we have. And it’s a fact that cannot be disputed. Therefore it seems odd that this culture that is so focused on facts and measurable certainties has mostly chosen to ignore death and dying and aim instead for life at all costs.

Why I wonder, are we not following the guidance of our Renaissance philosophers, or our 12th Century medicos and doing all that we can to deprive death of its strangeness? And why especially do we not follow the wisdom of the philosopher Montaigne who said we should learn how to prepare for death and make it our friend?

‘Practicing death is to practice freedom,’ he told us. ‘A man who has learned how to die has unlearned to be a slave.’

Perhaps we ignore our wise forebears because here in the west we want rational, implicit, sequential explanations of what happens and what exists. If there is something we cannot fully understand then we will investigate it using science and logic, and we will measure and test repeatedly until we can prove without a doubt the certainty of something.

The Three Unknowns About Death And Dying

While death of the physical body is an absolute certainty, there are three fundamental ‘unknowns’ or unanswered questions that we all have about death and dying.

The first two ‘unknowns’ of death are – When will death happen? and How will we die?’

While modern medical science has taught us how a body goes through the dying process, what may have caused the dying process, and when a body is likely to die from that process, we still cannot test and measure when we may be hit by a bus, shot in the street, or paralysed by a stroke. Or, when we may simply go to our bed to rest and not wake up. These aspects of dying therefore still remain in the realms of the unknown.

The third fundamental ‘unknown’ of death is – What happens to us when we die?

Science has a problem with this question because any understanding of it, and all discussions about it, focus on spiritual and religious beliefs, personal experiences, collective suspicions and emotional responses – none of which stand up well to scientific testing.

As a result, until recently, we have predominantly discounted the ancient cultures of the world that have spent centuries studying what happens after the death of the physical form, and we have ignored their discussions about where the spirit goes and how it moves back to source, simply because the very nature of these cultures is spiritual and their results cannot yet be proven according to science.

Furthermore, while researchers like Raymond Moody have done extensive interviews with subjects who’ve had near-death and out-of-body experiences proving that losing the physical body is not the end of life, many of the reports of these experiences have been considered anecdotal. Also to some scientific critics and skeptics they merely prove what can happen to the mind and body when they are under stress, rather than prove the truth of what really happens when we die.

So if we can’t prove for certain when and how we may die or what happens at death, and we don’t want to engage with the spiritual path, or believe the anecdotal evidence, then we ignore these things, and act as if death isn’t important.

Instead we focus only on what we know. And what we know of course is ‘being alive’. Therefore our day to day world involves staying alive at all costs, beating disease, preventing the aging process and not engaging with death. Because thinking about death and dying takes us out of rational experiences of the world and the safety of ‘certainty’ and leads us into the intangible realms of emotions, beliefs, instincts and suspicions. All of which are unpredictable, hard to measure and difficult to grasp by the left hemisphere of the brain – which is the type of the thinking favoured by the West.

Change Our View of Death

Fortunately increasing numbers of us want to engage with and learn about the intangibles in life. We are starting to realise that the very nature of these intangibles is what gives life meaning and enables us to step out of the paradigm of fear and suspicion of death. They also help us to explore the meaning behind the three unknowables and discover why it is important to explore, engage with and prepare for death.

This is because awareness of death is not just a teaching about how to die, or a preparation for death, it is also an education about the process of living. By really learning to ‘live our dying’ and ‘live as if we are dying’, we start to understand how to truly get the most out of being alive.

On a practical level we start to see that life in a physical body is a finite thing. That the average woman will live 29, 200 days, while a man will get only 27, 720!

Yet each of these days is filled with opportunities to understand death and dying and what comes after dying – the re-birth – which is reflected in the movements and cycles of the natural world.

Every twenty four hours, of our life, the Sun will be born and the Sun will die. Every three months a season will be born and three months later that season too will die. That season will return again, and it is likely to be different the next time round, because it will be unique, just like humans, plants, trees, animals, rivers, and rocks. But its cyclic nature will highlight that nothing that exists in this world is permanent, yet everything that exists in this world will be re-born again.

Nothing In Life Is Permanent

Exploring death and making it our friend, doesn’t just help us change our view of death, it also helps us embrace the many changes that life brings. Throughout our lives people come and go. So do our homes, pets, jobs, and relationships. Again our world is always reflecting back that nothing is permanent. However these reflections and cycles of death and rebirth can teach us how to embrace what is present, how to get the most out of our interactions and how to accept loss without feeling annihilated.

Facing death and living each day as if we are dying, also helps us to let go and surrender. We learn that any control we have is created through the choices we make. Living with death knocking at our door, helps us decide how we want to interact, who we want to interact with and how we want to be when we do interact.

Life Is A Spiritual Journey

It also teaches us that life is a spiritual journey. A journey that is aimed at helping us fully remember who we truly are. To remember that this is only one of many lives we may experience and that we volunteered for it in order to use our human bodies as vehicles for our soul’s development.

The fact that we have forgotten when and how we will die and what happens after it is all part of the plan. The plan to ensure that every single human being can fully experience personal responsibility, freedom of choice and free will, while we attempt to remember who we truly are. It is a great cosmic joke and one that every single person who is alive on this planet volunteered to be a part of it.

Dying Is The Beginning Of A New Cycle

Death is not the end, but the beginning. Living our dying and preparing for death is not fatalistic and it is not morbid. It allows us to truly live this life while preparing to go home again.

It helps us understand our true nature and gives us a better chance of fully remembering who we are, why we are here and where we come from.

By embracing death and all it brings, we can also explore how to die well. We can learn techniques to help the body release its grip on life and assist it in preparing for its time of death.

We can choose to undertake regular practises that will help the soul more easily leave the body, and we can explore the stages of dying and the processes of death so that we may help others who are dying find their own way back home.

We can also develop our skill in dying to such a degree that our friends and family will be at peace with our death, and will want to celebrate that we died well and rejoice in our release of this physical life. Knowing full well, that we are now in a place of liberation and freedom, with new choices, new experiences and new cycles to enjoy.

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