Consciousness of Water

The Consciousness of Water in 2019

According to the Pleiadeans throughout this year, each of us will benefit from developing a personal relationship with the Consciousness of Water.

water and relationships with the natural worldThis is not just about our bodies, how hydrated we are, and how much Water we use to wash and clean our bodies and our homes. It is also about Consciousness and our Relationship to the Natural World.

Do you think of Water as being Alive? Or is Water just a Resource that will keep YOU Alive?

Water – like all things – has a Consciousness that we can learn to interact with? Not just for the purposes of agriculture, or drinking needs, but to develop an understanding about the life force, power and energy of Water.

Indigenous Cultures across the planet know how to honour the consciousness of Water, and many can call in the energies and interact with them when needed. But what kind of relationship do you have with Water?

Are you Grateful for Water? Not just at times of drought, or extreme thirst, but every day?

Do you Appreciate the clean Water resources we still have..the rivers, the oceans and the smallest streams?

Throughout 2019, we each have 365 days to embrace our relationship with Water and start interacting with her unique Consciousness. This will not only help the Consciousness of Water but also the Consciousness of our Planet. It will also bring us ever closer to living soulful inter- connected lives.

This beautiful short video shares insights into the Consciousness of Water and how one woman engages with it:


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The Solstice and the Light of the Sun

The Energy of the Sun at the Solstice

As light workers, the Solstice can help us align to the Healing Energy of the Sun and also access more Light to build our Light Quotient.

While we access the Light of the Sun every day, at the Solstice when the Sun reaches its zenith point from our planet, the Light it embodies is a powerful force that can help us – en’light’en our subtle bodies; ‘light’en our frequencies; and embrace our inner ‘light’. So if you feel that your energies are a bit congested, or you have a constant reminder of a particular thought, pattern or body memory that doesn’t embrace the Light, align with the energy of the Solstice to assist you in cleansing and clearing your fields, and then elevate your frequencies by bathing in the Light.

Soul May Provide a Nudge at the Solstice

The Solstice is also a time when our Soul may nudge us back onto our path, using the Light to trigger a deeper remembering. So if you feel that you are not connecting deeply, or are missing a piece of your Soul jigsaw, align with the Light to help you remember that which you have forgotten.

Are you on your Divine Path of Service?

Perhaps at this time of our evolution you have literally wandered off your Divine Path of Service and feel the need to re-commit to your unique Path. The Light from the Sun can help you do that too. Or if you have never actually committed to your Path of Service, the Solstice is a great time to interact with the Light of the Sun to create this intention and recognise your unique and soulful Path of Service.

The Light is a Fantastic Activator and Enactor

It helps us to wake up to a higher purpose and the higher realms. Its encoded wisdom helps us make better sense of what is happening, and where we fit in the plan. Its different frequencies help us clear stagnation and illness, and its lighter frequencies helps us resonate with Joy and Love.

The Light from the Sun

The Light from the Sun helps us understand how to live a Light filled life, and walk and talk in the Light. While the warmth of the Sun prompts us to dance, sing, walk, run, bathe, play and dream in its Light.  It also reminds us that we come from the Light and it teaches us how to return back to the Light, back to the Source of who we truly are.

Whatever you do, and whoever you do it with at the Solstice, may your heart resonate with truth and Light; may your body be cleansed of all stagnation; and may you remember at the deepest part of your being who you truly are.

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Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect and Changing Realities

A few weeks back I had a phone call from an acquaintance who had just encountered his first ‘Mandela Effect’. The foundations of his world were shaken as he tried to get his head around the number of different realities that people are experiencing with so-called ordinary and everyday things.

He had discovered that plane engines were in a different place to what he remembered and there were arguments happening online as people fought to make their own realities the truth, and other people’s realities ‘a false remembering’. We had a long discussion about these different realities and memories, and I promised I would check out the plane engines and get back to him.

Not long afterwards, I searched online and opened numerous pages of plane images. At first I was sure I had found images that showed engines further under the wings and went to copy and paste a few images to then send onto my friend as proof he wasn’t crazy. Strangely however, each image literally changed before my eyes and the engines re-located to a different position on the front of the wings, and sometimes also onto the fuselage. By the time I had scrolled through all the images, there were no longer any photos or drawings of planes with engines located under the wings.

As someone who is familiar with the Mandela Effect and has experienced it on many occasions in numerous ways, I was not shocked by this, but merely intrigued – as this phenomena is just one aspect of the general changes in our understanding of ‘reality’ that we are experiencing as a collective – and so far does not threaten my view of the world and my place in it. However, the Mandela Effect is becoming an increasingly perplexing phenomena for many, so I thought I would explain a little about it here and include a link to an interesting video that explores the ‘new’ location of Gibraltar; where engines are now located on a plane; and various new runways that are appearing on our planet that in this current time frame seem absurd.

What is The Mandela Effect?

The term Mandela Effect, used to categorise certain ‘phenomena’, came about because there are at least two different memories or experiences or timelines that exist in relation to the death of Nelson Mandela. Some people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s and watching or hearing about a public funeral on the News. Others remember Nelson Mandela being released from prison, becoming the president of South Africa and dying much later. There are many other things that have changed – or people remember differently – that are part of the Mandela Effect – from names of products, to covers for books, locations of places, people dying but being alive again and so on, many of which are now called MEs.

These memories/experiences/beliefs are pushing some people’s reality systems out of kilter and causing lots of concern for them. There are also those who feel that anyone who has a different reality is just a ‘nutter’ and can’t remember things properly, while still others like me find it intriguing. Included in this conundrum of MEs is an incomplete definition and categorization as to what makes something a Mandela Effect, so the boundary of what is included in research and discussions is getting fuzzy, and these experiences are often labelled as simply conspiracy theories with no basis in fact or truth.

Are New Archaeological Finds Part of the Phenomena?

So as the categories used to define MEs change, things like sudden appearances in the third-dimensional reality of previously unseen sacred sites have been labelled by some people as part of the ME phenomena. For example, the collective scientific world has in the past few months experienced the appearance of new geo-phys markings in a field near Newgrange, Ireland, discovered by a drone. Within a few days of this discovery, (the links to which I posted on my matrix harmonics and earth whisperer pages), archaeologists also suddenly discovered an underground chamber in Dowth, which along with Knowth is part of the Newgrange complex.

These are seriously fascinating finds to me, as they indicate three things that – a) ancient secrets within the Earth are being exposed as promised back in the 1970s, 80s and 90s; b) our interactions with different dimensions is deepening and becoming more mainstream; and c) we still have so much to learn to discover the real truth, and also forget about what we think we know.

But are they part of the ME phenomena? Well that comes down to personal opinion at this juncture, and I leave you to make up your own mind. Here is the link to the video that I mentioned earlier. If you haven’t come across MEs before this video may take your brain down into a rabbit hole, like the discovery of where engines are on planes did to my friend. So hold onto your hat and I hope it’s a happy journey as you potentially leave your current reality behind.

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Celestial Energies and Soul Sovereignty

Celestial Energies and Soul Sovereignty –
The Relationship Between Heaven and Soul

image by paulina of sunset at equinoxCelestial Energies and Soul Sovereignty are innately interlinked for us Humans. All the mythic stories that tell us about the lives and dramas of the Gods and Goddesses, Angels, and Star Beings, are references to our cosmic ancestry and our connection to what happens in the heavens. This helps us understand our star origins through the use of symbol and metaphor, and helps us link Heaven and Soul in our every day life.

But we are also energetically linked to the stars and celestial bodies via our DNA, and at this time in our spiritual evolution, our human DNA strands are expanding to facilitate our growing awareness; and help us remember our inherent relationship with the Stars. The expansion is happening on a daily basis and is assisted by the movements and cycles of the celestial bodies.

Linking Celestial Energies and Soul Sovereignty in September

In September our subtle bodies and genetic DNA were greatly by celestial energies. With a blood Moon, Mercury in retrograde, expansive energy ‘hits’ from the White Sun, and the Equinox on the 23rd, many people have been feeling bombarded by the incoming energies and more than a bit out of sorts.

In my conversations with friends and colleagues, and in my skype and personal sessions with clients, I have sensed a collective weariness and potential for overwhelm as our bodies, hearts and minds are prompted to heal old thought patterns, clear energy at a cellular level, and attend to all or any addictive emotions, thoughts and behaviours. We are of course catching up with the knowing and awareness of our unique Souls and each of us has our own journey to travel to enable our Soul energies to manifest every day.

Transmutation is on the Rise

We are transmuting our vibrational template; entering new frequencies; changing body and bone shape; and embracing new ideologies and belief systems. No wonder we are feeling tired and as some have said – ‘a bit fragile’ – because these celestial energies are transforming our lives.

Many people don’t like change and resist it, and many people want ‘to get out of here and go home’. It is important to remember that what is currently happening within and through each of us on this planet, is what our Soul’s volunteered to be a part of, and what we have been primed to get ready for, for many years.

For some people much of the getting ready or preparation work has been done, and the energies coming in are now working at a fine level of attuning – kind of tweaking the template of who we are – to help us live each day with Soul.

Reclaiming Personal Sovereignty

If however you have avoided the prompts of the past, played ostrich, kept your head in the sand and avoided opening your heart; or are new to the understanding of personal responsibility, multi-dimensional realities and spiritual awakening; these new frequencies may feel as if you have been hit by a ‘bus’ as their power encourages us to engage with our heart and soul energies to navigate them.

But hang in there, because every bombardment fills us with more light and helps us step closer to our truest nature. Joy is who we are, and love is all there is, and these energies and frequencies are liberating each of us from the shackles of our perceived illusions and loss of sovereignty – leading us ever closer to engaging with ourselves and others with personal mastery and responsibility.


Responsibility is only ever our ability to respond, and our ability to respond to our lives with joy and awareness rather than pain-filled sleepiness is manifesting with greater clarity every day. Paying attention is part of the clue to responding and helps us master our emotions; manage our thoughts; and attend to what is present rather than respond from addictive and emotional patterning. So as October manifests more growth opportunities for each of us, my thoughts are with each of you as you navigate the pathways of engaging more deeply with your Soul essence.

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Gosford Glyphs And Sightings – Is There A Connection?

Gosford Glyphs And Sightings

(Copyright Paulina Howfield, 2018)

The Gosford Glyphs, also known as the Kariong Glyphs, are located about 60 kms north of Sydney in the Brisbane National Park.

While they are not easy to find, the Gosford Glyphs (carvings in stone) have been visited, photographed and researched by many people over the years, including archaeologists and scientists, and have been the subject of many discussions.

There are numerous explanations and theories about these carvings. Questions most people ask about the Gosford Glyphs are – Who put them there and when? Why were they drawn? What do they mean? Do they change the story of the history of Australia and perhaps the world?

There are also different questions posed by one investigator who believes that the area also houses a monolithic tomb that is constructed in the shape of the ‘Leg of the Bull’ (a symbol of a connection to the Pleiades). In his view, this information, alongside the story deciphered in the Gosford Glyphs – about two high ranking Egyptians who were shipwrecked in this area over 4,500 years ago – points to a relationship with a celestial ship that links back to cosmic origins, or at the very least, to whoever drew them having an in-depth knowledge about the cosmos. With further investigations he is certain that the site will elevate the ‘star visitor theory’ to match the same Pleiadian history that he has found in other ancient sites around the world, and in the creation stories of the local original people.

Stellar Connections At Sites

In my work as an esoteric map-maker, I have visited and interacted with many ancient and megalithic sites around the world, and have encountered numerous places that have images and symbols that identify specific constellations. Often these symbols also hold ‘energetic imprints’ and ‘resonances’ that work like portals and link the viewer and visitor to planetary bodies and constellations throughout the cosmos.

I have interacted with sites that link into almost any place in the Universe. Many connect to the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, Cygnus, Draco, Arcturus, Alpha Centauri and Andromeda, and the Original People – who hold the knowledge of these places – always suggest that these Sites link them to their cosmic origins and connections to the Stars.

The cultures that created these drawings and symbols left valuable information and knowledge that we can access – we just need to know how. This is why I teach how to interact with the Soul Consciousness of the Earth; show how to ‘read’ the clues that are shared in World Mythologies; and help people develop their clairvoyance; because strengthening these skills can help us to decipher the clues and the teachings that were left behind by our ancestral and cosmic ancestors, and also links us into the multiple dimensions of galactic consciousness.

Interacting with sites via their energetic imprints and archetypal resonances enables us to fully experience the portals and multi-dimensional layers of each Site. As this becomes more common place and we move toward a collective acceptance of what we can discover through this line of research, the discussions about the Gosford Glyphs and other places will change, and I look forward to the new developments and discoveries that result.

Glyphs and Sightings

I also wonder if the Gosford glyphs or the rocks themselves, have any impact on the amount of craft and unexplained phenomena that occur in the area, because Gosford and Kariong have a high rate of sightings.

There are government and military bases in the area that may explain the appearance of some lights and vehicles in the sky and may also perhaps ‘attract’ our cosmic friends. But there are so many sightings, that it raises questions in my mind about the rocks themselves and any magnetic resonances that they have; the effects of any underground or surface water; and the existence of and influences by any energy lines in the area.

Wiltshire in the UK

Many sacred sites and megalithic structures on our planet were built in areas where the electro-magnetic frequencies are conductive, and the telluric energies have a different frequency. An example of this is Wiltshire in the UK which is a chalk basin that acts as a conductor of electricity. It has a high rate of unexplained sightings and is the area where many of the crop circles show up every year. It is also where some of the world’s best known megalithic structures were built – Stonehenge, Avebury Stone Circle, West Kennett and the Rollright Stones – all constructed within easy reach of each other, and all showing detectable rises in electro-magnetic radiation within their shape and form. Silbury Hill, also in this area, is a pyramid made from chalk that at times acts as a huge quartz crystal, radiating energy outwards from its centre. No wonder perhaps that at least one crop circle arrives in its adjacent fields every year.

So, with regard to the sightings and anomalies that occur in the Gosford and Kariong area, it makes sense that the sandstone rocks, as well as any granite and limestone that may be present, could be acting as electrical conductors, which may mean they act as calling cards to unexplained flying objects, and are also places where the veils are thin and different dimensions and frequencies intermingle.

We Still Have Much To Learn

Of course there are many things that may be contributing to, or impacting, the frequency of sightings in this area, because in truth we still have much to discover about our planet’s visitation history, her many energetic resonances, our cosmic ancestry, and the real history of our planet. So there is still much to learn and not just through scientific endeavour, because in my opinion, if we continue to look for explanations within the confines of our current logic and understanding, we may a) miss the real truth of what is happening and why; b) not discover any connection between sites and sightings because it does not belong in current scientific parameters; and c) miss the potential for deeper understanding and changes in consciousness that UFOs, paranormal and so-called ‘weird’ anomalies present.

When people have encounters with unexplained phenomena and sightings of strange things, it often changes them and encourages them to review their life experiences and personal beliefs. The same happens for some people when they visit the Gosford Glyphs and other sites where images are inscribed. The energies present in the images have a morphic field that reaches into our hearts and merges with our own resonance. In these moments we can be transported – into past or future lives, different dimensions, other planets and multiple frequencies. We have yet to fully understand all that these experiences mean……but at least we can have some interesting experiences as we travel on our journey of discovery that ultimately leads us back to the Stars from whence we came.


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Evidence of The Divine Feminine

Evidence of the Divine Feminine is everywhere, we just need to know where to look

Its not just present in the land, or statues, or buildings or books, but also in the people we meet…both men and women…..because the Divine Feminine is the universal and inherent energy that is the counterpart of the Divine Masculine within all humankind that manifests through an individual’s thoughts, actions and beliefs

Image of Isis as the Divine FeminineThroughout history, the story of ‘her’ – the Divine Feminine – has been ignored, denigrated, mis-represented and ridiculed, and often, in the modern western world, men who are at peace with their Divine Feminine are considered weak, passive and boring, while women are who are embracing the strength of their Divine Feminine are considered domineering, promiscuous or power hungry.

This is why I wrote about the Pilgrimage to meet the inner Divine Feminine in my book – ‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta‘.

While my Pilgrimage, to meet the inner divine Feminine, is a spiritual undertaking that involves interacting with the Consciousness of the Earth and learning from her archetypal and geo-mythic imprints, there are many ways to embrace the divine feminine and she can come forward within each of us at any time to help us change our thoughts, actions and beliefs.

Just because our mythologies, our expressions, our behaviours, and our media have it all upside down and roundabout, it doesn’t mean that the Divine Feminine is not a good thing and is not present everywhere.

In my ‘world’ I come across women and men who are beautifully expressing their Divine Feminine all the time – whether at work or play, in relationships, in friendships and more. Every day and in every moment they step out of the programming, the forgetfulness and the loss of soul that living without accessing the innate Divine Feminine encourages.


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Newsletter June 2018

Sydney Sessions

I recently arrived in Sydney and plan to spend time walking on the Earth and along the beaches, interacting with the higher frequencies, and sensing and feeling the land and the people in this area. This is what I do everywhere I go, soaking up the energies of the Soul Consciousness of the land and its people as I travel through different states to speak at Conferences. During my travels I have made interesting discoveries about the current role that Australia is playing in the spiritual evolution of our human collective consciousness. I have also met and engaged with many ancient energies in the land that are facilitating our collective awakening – as well as energy patterns that have been deliberately placed to create health issues, facilitate the collective dumbing-down and keep the real history of this country hidden. So while I am in Sydney, I will be reviewing my findings, doing a bit of higher frequency research, and writing about them for future talks and presentations…and perhaps even a book. I will also be doing some talks, and group meditation processes, and can be contacted for personal consultations.

Personal Consultations and Remote Viewing

In June and July there are a few spaces for personal and remote sessions, ghostbusting and space clearing either in person or via remote viewing and skype.

So if you are interested in having a one-to-one session or card reading, or need a house/land clearing please contact me either by phone or email to make an appointment.
You can find out more about the personal sessions I offer here
And find out about space clearing and land cleansing here

Speaking at UFO PRSA, Campbelltown, 13th June

In June I am giving a presentation at the monthly UFO PRSA gathering in Campbelltown. I will discuss my interactions with star people and cosmic beings; explain their relationship to our developing galactic consciousness; and talk about the different places on the planet where you can interact with specific beings.

PLUS I will share some of my recent encounters with pre-Lemurians beings that are rising up out of the land in Australia to facilitate our deep healing and awakening. I hope to see you there. Tickets can be purchased at

Presentation about Orbs, Faeries, Weird and Wonderful

During this past week I did a talk about orbs, faeries and weird and wonderful things that we encounter. I also did a half hour meditation process, about how to connect with them. Due to a lot of social media interest on my facebook page I will be making an audio/video about that topic soon. People have also asked if I will make a Webinar about these topics, so if you have an interest in these subjects, and would like to participate in a Webinar where you can learn more and also experience a shamanic connection meditation, please let me know at and tell me the kinds of things you would like to find out in a Webinar.

Release of Documentary ‘Orenda Force of Consciousness’

Last year I was interviewed by award winning Documentary maker Lana Marconi about my work and its relationship to ‘Orenda’. Her documentary has just been released on vimeo and you can pay to stream or purchase it.

My face is not in the promotion piece for the film, but you can hear my voice in the last three seconds…clearly I have to work on my soundbites!

That said, I am grateful that my thoughts and experiences were included in this film and it was an honour to participate alongside so many amazing souls.

May Orenda and the Force of Consciousness be ignited in each of us as we evolve. You can view the trailer and/or purchase the film at

Faeries and the Little Folk in Ireland – Video Link

I love this video as it shares many things about the relationship a person has with faeries and other beings. It also highlights the respect and awe that develops over the years, both in one person’s life and across the generations. Given the recent interest in my talk about orbs and faeries I thought I would share the link here. May we always interact with the Earth, standing stones, magic and healing with the respect and awe that this man has. Hope you like it too. View the video here

PLUS…If you are interested in having contact with these faeries, and perhaps having the be-jesus scared out of you, check out this accommodation link run by Pat Boone – the man interviewed in the video.

Bridging the Left and Right Brain

How well do the two sides of your brain communicate? Do you spend lots of time thinking, being logical and examining details to make sense of the world (left brain)? Or perhaps you are led by your feelings and intuition, and like symbols and metaphors (right brain).

Most of us have a preference – a natural way to ‘be’ in the world, and will use one side of the brain more. But if we can create a metaphoric or symbolic bridge that links our left and right brain then our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and impulses can move easily and effortlessly from one side of the brain to the other, helping us to think clearly and logically, yet also embrace our feelings and instincts. These are not just great for our thinking process….they help us develop Discernment and Embrace the Divine Feminine within as well! To read more about how you can do this go to Bridging Hemispheres blog

Speaking with Water

Here is the link to another video that I love and wanted to share. ‘Speaking with Water’ focuses on our connection with water, and what its consciousness can teach us. The information here is shared by a Navajo and Lakota activist. So listen and learn about the Consciousness of water at

Talks up on Youtube

The presentation I did at the Paradigm Shift in August last year is now online. To view it go to

The presentation I did at the Star Family Conference is also now on youtube. It was posted in three parts. This link takes you to Part 1, where you can then find the next two parts –

If you are interested in other talks I have done, or want to listen to some of my interviews go to my Conferences and Media pages on my website.

Products Page

I have recently re-done my Products Page on my website, which I think gives a better idea for any visitor to see at a glance what products are available, and then you can click on links to find out more. To view my Products Page click here

M.I.S.T. Training with Mary Rodwell

I have known Mary a long time and we caught up at a few Conferences recently. I am delighted to see that she is now offering courses that teach her many skills to professionals. This training is a first and it will be held in Glastonbury for Hypnotherapists who work with Experiencers. It is experiential and facilitates ‘intuitive’ tools that enable a holistic approach. I am sure she will soon offer them in other places too. For more information you can contact Mary at

Facebook Pages

You can join Paulina on facebook to see regular updates about Conferences and other things that she posts, and she looks forward to your company. You can join her at paulinahowfieldpersonal and planetaryhealing or theearthwhisperer. You can also connect with her on linked-in.

You can click on these links to find out more about her booksoul whispers cardshealing room CD and artwork.

Her sessions are also now available via skype and you can send her a personal message to find out more via email on her contact page at

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Create Medicine Wheels To Celebrate The Solstice

Medicine Wheels On Your Land Will Help You Reconnect

Medicine Wheels are powerful meditation tools that help us connect with our inner selves, the middle, upper and lower worlds and the spirit of all that is.

Medicine Wheels are usually made with stones or crystals that have been collected and gathered with dedication and purpose.

Some Medicine Wheels are constructed on altars and small healing tables, and become attuned to the person who interacts with them for meditation, healing and energy alignment.

Most Medicine Wheels are built and energised on the land, so that people can interact with them and perform rituals at the solstice and equinox; and meditate, and sit in them throughout the rest of the year.

At this time in our spiritual evolution we are being prompted to develop a harmonious relationship with our planet and Mother Nature. Medicine Wheels help us develop this relationship because they:

– Connect us to the grids of the planet;
– Help us develop a relationship with the four directions;
– Link our subtle bodies to the seasons, and the cycles of life; and
– Help us connect to all beings in the natural world.

– Medicine Wheels also link us to the energies of the cosmos and stars!

How Can These Help Me

Spending time in Medicine Wheels can help us in our daily life, as we connect to the Earth and align to the energies of the cosmos. It can also bring a sense of peace and connection that helps reduce stress and anxiety, as it teaches us about the cycles of life that help us nurture ideas and projects; while helping us recognise that everything has a time of growth as well as a season of reflection and renewal.

When Medicine Wheels are created with a sense of purpose and dedication, the people who interact with them live a more balanced, healthy and connected life.

As the June Solstice approaches why not make a Medicine Wheel on your land or altar. You can dedicate it to your own needs and your unique journey.

As you construct the Wheel, think about your own personal purpose at this time, and ask any and all helpers in the invisible realms to add their energies and influence to it as well.

When you create it, start in the east and work round the circle (read here to learn more) – infusing it with your own energies, thoughts and dreams.

Then when the Solstice happens on the 21st June at 8.07pm EST, you will have a Medicine Wheel – a sacred space – that is ready for you to connect with, to help you align with your sacred I AM Presence, as well as the beautiful soul of this planet and her relationship with the stars.

You can also find more information at these links –

How to do a Vision Quest

Medicine Wheel Brings Otter Wisdom

Rituals and Ceremonies

Harmonious Earth Consultations

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Bridging the Left and Right Brain Hemispheres Can Make Positive Changes in our Lives

Bridging the left and right brain:

  1. Helps Us Communicate More Effectively;

  2. Reduces Stress And Anxiety;

  3. Develops Our Creative Problem Solving Skills; and

  4. Allows Us To Live Richer More Meaningful Lives.

Bridging the left and right brain is valuable, because when we combine both the left and right sides of our brains we develop a new understanding about:

1. The world that we live in;
2. The people that we interact with;
3. The things that happen to us.

It is also very good for helping us to develop Discernment and Embrace the Divine Feminine within, which is a focus for many at this time of global change and awakening.

Most People Favour One Brain Hemisphere For Thinking And Reasoning

While humans are designed to have two functioning hemispheres that work in harmony, filtering, sending and receiving electrical and neuron impulses via the corpus callosum, most people don’t consider bridging the left and right brain and use one side of their brain more than the other to communicate, think and make sense of the world.

Left Brain Thinking

If you are left brain dominant you spend lots of time thinking, being logical and examining details to make sense of the world. While this is the favoured way of thinking in the western culture as it creates logical, sequential thinking patterns that supports scientific reasoning and intellectual progress, predominantly left brain thinking also cultivates anxiety, depression and high stress levels. The constant need to compare and contrast, and judge whether or not something or someone fits into the pattern, (ie is the same as everything else) affects the way left brain thinkers socialise, because left brain thinkers compare and contrast everything to see if it fits or belongs. This means that anyone or anything that is different may be considered weird, strange and too unfamiliar… (it doesn’t belong to the categorising that the left brain does to make sense of things).

The way the left brain works also helps creates stress and anxiety because it makes left brain thinkers want to belong and be the ‘norm’…which means they may not feel they belong if they feel, look, or sound different. An add on effect of this is that left brain thinkers may never feel comfortable in their own body, with their own behaviour and with their own skills.

They want to be themselves, they want to do what they feel compelled to, and they want to like their own body etc, but because it is different to the ‘norm’ it sometimes makes it impossible for them to like or embrace their individuality and uniqueness.

This also creates anxiety and affects left brain thinkers self esteem because this comparing and contrasting develops an unconscious sense of never being good enough – and so they never feel good about what they do and the choices that they make, and they always see someone or something else as better or worse than what they aspire to. This can then create ‘perfectionism’ where no one and nothing – including themselves – meets their standards.

Left Brain thinking and making sense of the world also develops competitiveness; and makes individuals strive for success. This in turn affects behaviour, the ability and need to belong and the capacity to sensate and explore feelings.

Right Brain Thinking

Right brain thinkers who are not bridging the left and right brain predominantly focus on non-verbal cues, bodies, sensations, feelings, colours, sounds, images, intuition and gut instincts to understand and make sense of the world. They do not focus on what is different and what doesn’t belong, they are instead holistic thinkers and experience everything as unique, but part of a whole, and they can innately celebrate the uniqueness that brings everyone and everything together.

Right brain thinkers don’t expect everything and everyone to be the same and they don’t want it to be. They can be bored if everything seems the same, and at worse feel threatened by it and become unwell or feel unsafe. This may manifest most obviously when they try to fit into a left brain world, a predominately left-brained group and specific activities that focus on the development of the left brain.

Right brain thinkers can also be perceived as weird or stupid by those who are left brain thinkers and this will in turn have effects on the mental health of the right brain thinker. They can also struggle to belong and fit in, and may feel their skills are not valued or needed. Then like the left brain thinkers, but for different reasons, their self esteem suffers, and they feel they cannot meet the needs and expectations of the people they meet and the society they live in, and find it hard to get a job, and ‘fit in’ or ‘belong’ and feel that they cannot contribute who they truly are.

As a result, just like the left brain thinkers they may not do what they really want, or ‘be’ who they really are, because they feel uncertain how to do what they really want to because it doesn’t fit into the ‘norm’ of the left brain world. So while the left brain thinkers ‘believe/think’ that they are ostracized and are outsiders, the right brain thinkers ‘feel’ that they are ostracised and outsiders.

We Need To Bridge Our Left and Right Brain

What I have mentioned above are just some of the things that can happen when we can’t bridge the left and right brain hemispheres, and live in a society and culture that encourages us not too. We each need to be able to marry our thinking with our feeling. If we don’t then we interact with the world without balance and integration and don’t have the skills to manage our thinking or our feelings. As a result we will experience low self-esteem, lack of belonging and a sense of disconnect.

Our bodies were born with the ability to use both sides of our brain to interact with the world, think, learn and communicate with each other – we just need to value both sides of our brain and the different ways we perceive the world, and link them up.

How We Can Bridge Our Hemispheres

Bridging the left and right brain can be done in numerous ways:

1. One way is by using our imagination (for the left-brain) and/or symbolic metaphor (for the right-brain) where we visualise and imagine a strong link between the two brains that can transmit, hold and receive information and allow them to work together and in harmony.

2. Another way is by creating a physical bridge, that is also ‘symbolic’ – as I do with art therapy clients and art students. I help them use clay, wood or some other kind of material to design and build a bridge that they can feel and sense as a bridge, so it will get all their senses and experiences involved. You could do this too.

3. Or maybe you want to use visualisation techniques to re-create in your mind a bridge that you already know and have visited that you want to use as your link point.

In truth there is no limitation to what you can do and how you can imagine or create a link that encourages the two sides of your brain to communicate and work together. So create it in a way that suits you. Then, once you have created the bridge or link, practise getting information to move back and forth every day. Notice how information and thinking patterns move from the left side of the brain to the right, or the right side of the brain to the left.

Practise and practise so that using both sides of your brain to interact with and think about the world becomes second nature, and you will find life has more meaning, more joy and less isolation…. and a new way of being will open your eyes, your heart and your mind to ways of thinking and creating that you have perhaps never considered before.

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Newsletter March 2018


The Great Ocean Road

Its almost the March Equinox and our energy fields are being primed and activated even more. I will be spending the Equinox in Apollo Bay on the Great Ocean Road, and then will travel to the Twelve Apostles for the Sunset on the 21st. The Great Ocean Road is famous throughout the world for its views, beaches, walking tracks and forests, and as all the natural energies come together quite harmoniously in this area, it is a good place to interact with the Equinox energies. There is also great access to the energy of the SUN along the Road, which is what the Equinox is all about. Plus, the energy of the ancient land of Antarctica mingles with the land here, and as there is much to be discovered about Antarctica and what has really gone on there in the past fifty years, it feels fitting to assist in whatever way I can, to help the light rise up on that situation.

What about you? Where will you be for the Equinox? What are you inspired to focus on during your meditations, ceremonies and rituals?

Ceremonies and Meditations at the Equinox

People have celebrated the Equinox at Stone Circles and Megalithic Monuments for hundreds and thousands of years and have used their rituals and ceremonies to enhance their life and remember the seasons and the weather and gifts that each one brings. They have also interacted with the energies of the Equinox to enhance their Galactic Connnections – reaching out to the Stars, and the Moon, as well as the Sun, to celebrate their cosmic beginnings, their soul journeys and their ‘consciousness’ pathways in harmony with the Stars. And of course many people have created ceremonies assisted by star beings, cosmic elders and ancient wise ones, and these memories are held within the energetic stamps and imprints at many sacred sites on our planet. Two of my articles that discuss these aspects may be of interest to you at this time, you can find them at the following links, you can also find a link to my ceremonies and rituals page –

Solstice Rituals and Ceremonies at Stone Circles and Megalithic Monuments, and

Alien Contact Helps Access Our Cosmic Essence and Teaches About Multi-Dimensional Consciousness

Rituals and Ceremonies

The Star Family Conference

The topics I mentioned above, lead me into a discussion about the Star Family Conference that I spoke at on the first weekend in February. Events like these are growing in popularity and I believe that they are important additions to our growing awareness of consciousness and all that it embodies. I was recently interviewed by a documentary maker, who believed that there was not much available for the seeker of such things in Australia, but I had to correct them and let them know that in the past twelve months I have spoken at twelve Summits, Conferences, and Expos and ten of those Events focused on close encounters, star families, extra-terrestrials, galactic consciousness, and all the inter-linking components that are leading us to re-examine who we are, where we come from and what the real history of our planet and our species actually is.

This is compelling to those who attend such gatherings. It enables participants to come together as groups and families; they feel less isolated and alone on their journeys; and more at peace with what they know to be true. As a speaker and workshop leader this gifts me with meeting open-hearted attendees, who are eager to learn more and want to be a part of the leading edge of our changing consciousness, where less can be hidden behind smoke and mirrors, and organisational agendas.

It also means that they can discuss their experiences without fear of ridicule and also meet reputable experts in their chosen fields who can help them navigate their experiences and move towards integrating them into their everyday reality.

Haunting of Children and ET Experiences

A part of this journey of understanding often involves families, because Contact often runs through families, as does the ability to interact with beings of the non-visible realms and multiple dimensions. But it is also true to say that some children incarnate in families that have no specific understanding of the other side, the invisible realms or the existence of other dimensions, and increasingly I am being called upon to assist families and young children in navigating their often frightening encounters.

While many have contact with ghosts and other beings at the same time, some children are accessing other worlds at all times of the day, and in many different ways, that are puzzling to them and their families. Some children I encounter have not slept for years – neither have their families. They are frightened and worried and feel that they have no control over these energies that are visiting and sometimes not leaving.

For me, it is an honour and priviledge to be able to assist children and families at this time and if you know of any children or families that are having difficulty, please feel free to pass my information on to them. They can make a choice if it feels right for them and I will do all I can to assist them, either in person or via remote viewing.

Here is a recent Testimonial: ‘Thanks again for your work with ‘Jarred’, to see him able to walk around the house without fear means the world to us. Jarred feels validated and safe, as a Mum, you can’t ask for more xx’

A significant component of this help links into my earth energy work, land and space clearing and healing, so you or they can read more about these areas of my work at the following three links, and also at my website under the Earth Services links:

Ghostbusting and Land Healing Services

Land Cleansing and Blessing Packages

Wellness for the Mind, Body and SOUL

Working With Nature Spirits on the Land

image of nature spirits in rocksWorking with Nature spirits on the land is important and helps us create healthy and harmonious landscapes and habitats. If you have not done it before, now is the time to start harmoniously interacting with the nature spirits on your land. When we live on land, when we work with land, and when we are guardians of the land, it is important to create a harmonious relationship with the devic energies present and interact with them to find out where they live and what they need from us. To read more go to my blog

The Meditation for Prime Movers

The Meditation Process for the Prime Movers group was received well and will soon be available to purchase. It is 45 minutes and leads the listener into a deeper connection with the Earth and all that she can teach us about love and spirituality.

I will also be creating a meditation CD for accessing the light of the Sun for ascension and light work that was recorded at ‘The Pathways to the Stars’ workshop at the Star Family Conference

Interviews and Talks

I have been putting up recent interviews and talks on my Talks and Media pages on my website, and my talks from the Star Family Gathering and the Paradigm Summit will be on you tube soon. To listen to my talks you can find them via these links or my pages:

In October I spoke about my near death experiences on the Witching Hour at 4zzzFM. You can Listen to interview here and I spoke about my ‘Near Death Experience and Soul Triggers’ at the Afterlife Studies Group in Brisbane

On the 4th December I spoke with Nyck Jeanes on Bay FM about my work with Earth Energies and my book ‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta’ (you can find our conversation at about the 9.50 time mark). Listen to interview here

On the 15th December I spoke on Alive and Live with Lisa D Evers about my near death experience, the afterlife, past lives and consciousness. It is about an hour long, with a big Ad in the middle. You can download it and have a listen when you get time. There is a sound issue on this recording – which is also mentioned by the interviewer. It seems that my frequencies messed up their sound recording system – I hope you will persevere: Listen to interview here


Here are links to other Articles and Blogs that I have written that may be of interest to you :

Facebook Pages

You can also join me on facebook to see regular updates about these Conferences and other things that I post. You can join me at paulinahowfieldpersonal and planetary healing or at my latest edition to facebook – theearthwhisperer – I look forward to your company.

You can click on these links to find out more about my booksoul whispers cardshealing room CD and artwork.

My sessions are also now available via skype and you can send me a personal message to discuss this on facebook, or via email on my contact page

As I have been travelling a lot of late this is a great way to have sessions. I have also been doing a significant amount of remote viewing, land clearing and space cleansing for people as well, so if you need these services please give me a call or message me, and we can discuss how I can help you.

Till next time many blessings to you all

Paulina xx

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