I often visit the estuary and canals to interact with the dolphins. The other day I had my camera and they let me get some photos of them fishing and playing.
Dolphins at work and play
Amber soothes babies
Fossilised amber releases succinic acid when in contact with the skin and younger parents are turning to necklaces and bracelets of amber beads to cure grumpy, drooling and teething babies. Photo by Justin Benson Cooper
The Tree of Contemplative Practices
The Tree of Contemplative Practices…many of which are essential in trauma-informed expressive arts therapy and integrative approaches to trauma recovery.
Black Elk wisdom
“Out of the Indian approach to life there came a great freedom, an intense and absorbing respect for life, enriching faith in a Supreme Power, and principles of truth, honesty, generosity, equity, and brotherhood as a guide to mundane relations. Only to the white man was nature a wilderness and only to him was the land ‘infested’ with ‘wild’ animals and ‘savage’ people. To us it was tame, Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the blessings of the Great Mystery.” ~ Black Elk, Oglala Lakota Sioux (1863-1950)
The Sun impells the spiritual movement of Man
‘The instrument of spiritual activities in impelling the movements of the races of Man, always westward, is the magnetism of the Sun, which is described as winding as it were, a coil of invisible wire round and round the globe in this direction, and this causing a perpetual flow of physical or perhaps it would be more correct to say aetheric, energies towards the west, but however mechanical the process, it has a psychical side and even a spiritual one’…. F. Bligh Bond (1919)
Schumann Resonance – Earth’s Heartbeat
Earth’s Heartbeat – The Schumann Resonance has been called the Earth’s heartbeat. NASA discovered that not having access to it caused physiological problems for astronauts when in orbit. Now, there is a frequency generator on each space craft to mimic the heartbeat. The frequency of this heartbeat is changing slightly. Do you feel connected to the changing heartbeat? Can you feel it changing? How is it affecting you? This is my artistic rendition of the Earth’s heartbeat in 2012
Elemental Affinities
‘Things that accord in tone vibrate together. Things that have affinity in their inmost natures seek one another. Water flows to wet, fire turns to what is dry. Clouds follow the dragon, wind follows the tiger….What is born of Heaven feels related to what is above. What is born of Earth feels related to what is below’….translations from The Book of Changes and the understanding of feng shui.
Create Harmonious Places on Earth
Consultations, Ceremonies and Rituals to Create Harmonious Places on Earth
We all want to Create Harmonious Places where we Live,
But we also need to do it on the land and Earth so that devic energies, river ways, vegetation and sky energies can come together in balance and harmony. These Consultations help you create harmonious places on Earth that balance and energise your land, and help you connect with and enjoy the Earth –
Rituals and Blessings:
Balance and cleanse the energies of your land and waterways; honour the devic energies and nature spirits; and harmonize and synchronize their fields to the Unity Consciousness Grid and ongoing Earth Changes; and create a Sacred Space for you to meditate or work in.
Physical or Etheric Medicine Wheels and Sacred Symbol Activations:
Create a Sacred Space for you to meditate or work in. Placing healing imprints on your land and in your home transforms your living space making it sacred, connecting it to the Earth, the cosmos and the pulse of the universe. These creations can be large installations, to be used for gatherings and ceremonies, or small intimate spaces for personal and family use.
Interacting with Faery Folk and Nature Devas
Interacting With Faery Folk And Nature Devas Is Something That We Can Remember How To Do
As science became the dominant way to interact with the Earth and all her species, much of the western world stopped believing that faeries, pixies, trolls and elves really do exist, and so they were relegated to the realms of story, fable and mythology. Yet they are real beings that can and do interact with us. We just have to open our own subtle bodies and consciousness to the various ways that they communicate.
The most important, yet simple way to begin interacting with faery folk and nature devas involves finding a place in nature, sitting quietly and actively opening your mind and heart to interact with them.
While my faery and nature deva workshops will help you focus your intent, develop skills and deepen your contact, if you communicate with them regularly with conscious intent, it is possible that you can develop a personal relationship with them that will help you learn and grow.
This relationship will be unique for you. It can involve:
a) Smells or sounds in the air;
b) Birds or animals may enter your space;
c) Feathers may appear; and/or
d) You may experience changes in the wind or the Sun.
Signs like these can identify their presence and the beginning of their relationship with you. What you notice in these early days can also be the clues in your long term relationship.
Faery Folk and Nature Devas look after the Environment
Many of the faery folk, and nature devas work under the guidance of Pan, and are responsible for the management and upkeep of the subtle body frequencies of our planet. Interacting with them is an honour and involves an open heart, open mind, and an integrity for their well-being.
They help keep the waterways open; ensure the winds are working well; and keep the energies at sacred sites in tip top condition. By listening to them, paying attention and respecting their hierarchy, you can develop an understanding of just how important they are to the functioning of the energy template of this planet. You may also learn how to look after and interact with trees; and discover what to do on any land you work with, live on, or purchase.
When we have land in our care, we need to be ‘caretakers’ that work in conjunction with the devic energies present and find out where they live and what they need from us. When we want to build on land, think we want to chop down trees, or remove or add waterways, it is extremely important to interact with the nature spirits.
In Iceland, for example, when a new building is to be created, or a new corporate development constructed, the government and construction crews interact and work with the elves, dwarves and faeries. Maps get drawn and any new building must take into account the homes and communities of the little folk. Have you been doing that on your land, with the nature spirits that occupy the same space as you?
Connect with Paulina on facebook today, and learn more about her work and how you to can interact with faeries, devas, elves, and dragons. Or if you want to do a workshop send her an email and find out about future events
Labyrinths Exist All Over The World
They have an important role to play in Earth Energy Management, Spiritual Growth and Telluric Energy Flows
A Labyrinth can suck higher dimension energies directly down into the 2D pathways, so they were often located at sacred sites – where telluric energy flows. This is why when we walk in labyrinths and access the higher energies and any innate telluric energies, , we can have profound spiritual experiences, where our chakras are activated, and our subtle bodies are cleansed. The action of walking in and walking out bridges the energies of the mind and body, opening and activating our energy fields and awakening the cellular memory of the geometry that holds our bodies in form.