December Newsletter 2012
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Mobile: 0439 947 109 | Email: phowfield@hotmail.com | |
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Newsletter for Paulina Howfield and Matrix HarmonicsHello and WelcomeI would like to extend a personal welcome to all the new people receiving this newsletter and look forward to a long relationship with you. For regular updates, to see more about what I do and the products I offer visit my Blog at www.matrixharmonics.com and ‘like’ my Facebook page at ‘Matrix Harmonics Personal and Planetary Healing’. As well as wishing you a Happy Solstice, I also wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2013 that is filled with laughter, light and love. Keep an eye on facebook for new products and a new page at – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Paulina-Howfield/356708544415657 Solstice December 2012Early tomorrow morning the 20th December, I return to the portal at the Stirling Ranges for the 2012 December Solstice and end of Mayan calendar meditations. Wherever you will be and whoever you will be with, may you feel the light in your hearts, bodies and souls. The potential for joy and healing that this light brings to our species, all animals, planet Earth and the cosmos is profound. If you haven’t already done so, welcome into your life the energies of the 5th dimensional awareness and beyond, and traverse the bridge into the new Earth and your new body. We are the light, separation is an illusion and love is all there is! Updates on Solstice Energies 2012On the 16th I received a message from the Hathors that is full of guidance and good support for what we are doing as we continue in the preparation. ‘You are recalibrating yourselves as you reach pure states of consciousness, perception and awareness that serve to initiate you further into your higher dimensional experience. We are working with each one of you to help you better assimilate the energies you are absorbing unto yourselves and benefiting from at this time, and you are and have been undergoing a literal transformation from one state of perception to another. The changes in perception many of you are beginning to find can be considered quite extraordinary, as you are peeking into realms beyond your conscious perception and finding a supreme upliftment and enlightenment from each peek you allow yourselves….’ On the 18th – The 5th-Dimensional Directors of the Elemental Kingdom are taking their strategic positions in preparation for the powerful Activity of Light 21-22 Dec. To align and connect with them, in this instance – * The Directors of the Air Element and the Sylphs of the Air take their position at the cardinal point to the North. * The Directors of the Water Element and the Undines of the Water take their position at the cardinal point to the East. * The Directors of the Earth Element and the Gnomes and Nature Spirits of the Earth take their position at the cardinal point to the South. * The Directors of the Fire Element and the Salamanders of the Fire take their position at the cardinal point to the West. * The Directors of the Ether Element and the Devas and Deva Rajas of the Ethers take their position within the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth. Bolivia honours of the end of the Mayan CycleIn Bolivia the Elders are so sure that the change will encourage us to be community minded that the Minister of External Affairs, David Choquehuanca, has announced that coca cola will be expelled from Bolivia on the same day that the Mayan calendar enters a new cycle–December 21 saying, “On the 21st december, the planets will line up after 26,000 years. It is the end of capitalism and the beginning of communitarianism. It is the end of selfishness, of division. This date marks the start of a culture of life in community-based societies and so it has to be the end of Coca-Cola and the beginning of mocochinche (a local peach-flavored soft drink).” In order to celebrate, Bolivia’s government is planning a series of events that will take place at the Southern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice on La Isla del Sol, one of the largest islands in Lake Titicaca. The decision of Coca-Cola’s ban in Bolivia comes at a time when the country is pledging to legalize the consumption of coca leaves, which are notoriously processed clandestinely into cocaine, and were declared an illegal narcotic by the UN in 1961, along with cocaine, opium and morphine, in spite of its consumption being a centuries-old tradition there, strongly rooted in the beliefs of various indigenous groups. These plans also have serious financial consequences for Bolivia as sales of coca leaf are big business, accounting for 2% of the country’s GDP, or approximately $270 million annually, and representing 14% of all agricultural sales. But as it is rumoured that Venezuela’s president, Hugo Chavez, will follow suit, encouraging his country to ditch the American beverage for soft drinks produced locally, local community rather than corporate business will be the order of the day. The September EquinoxSince my last newsletter we also experienced the Equinox energies on September 22nd/23rd, and bathed in the Solar Light frequencies of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. During the Equinox we were also invited into the energies of our Sun and the Suns behind the Sun, to receive our Crystalline Shields of Light that interweave into our Divine eight-cell blueprint and Bodies of Light. This enables us to experience the Crystalline based Solar frequencies of our Highest Potential through the Patterns of Perfection and the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. As a result our Light Quotient energy has increased. We can now use this Divine Light to bring balance and equilibrium into all areas of our lives and share the light to enable all Life the possibility to experience the Love of the Divine Mother in compassion, peace, joy and purpose. What a great gift that we have been given by those in the higher relams and by the Sun itself. I spent the night of the Equinox under the light of the moon, marvelling at the cloud striations and felt the Moon and Sun energies infusing through my being. Both of these ‘orbs’ are important to our cosmic understanding of our species, and the Sun in particular is significant to our metaphysical understanding of how we got here and where we are going. It is also making all of its energies available for helping us to heal and grow – which is in part connected to the solar flares and our changing energy frequencies. So I recommend that you interact with the Sun and discover how it helps anchor your energies on the physical plane. You can do this alone or in groups. You can also listen to my CD called the ‘Hitching Post of the Sun’ which is a shamanic/healing Meditation Process that will not only help you interact with the energies of the Sun and lift your light body quotient, but you also get to visit Macchu Picchu, experience deep cellular healing, and interact with some of the ancient elders of the Earth. Ant People BeingsThe last few months I have helped a few people from the east coast of the USA who have asked for my assistance in cleansing, clearing and aligning their land and property. Some of these places were very significant to the Native Americans and I feel honoured a) to have been asked and b) to have been able to help. A significant aspect of one of the healings involved interacting with the Ant people, extra terrestrial beings from the Pleiades who have been here a long time and were of great influence and help to the Native Armericans and other indigenous communities on the planet. In most situations their job was to hold the frequencies in the Earth and also report back to their home planet on the development of humanity. In this particular case, many of them had been trapped in the earth energy fields and I was asked to assist in their going home. So I helped them walk the staircase of light back to their home frequency. What a blessing! To my clairvoyant eye, the ant people are tall and look like ants that are standing up on their back legs and are not to be confused with the Praying Mantris beings. They are often part of underground bases particularly when there are ufo’s and other flying machines. Some of them – or at least their counterparts – are part of the myths and legends from the four corners area of the USA and have been beautified in some of the ancient petroglyphs. The ant beings usually interact with me in my Earth energy work and when I am teaching or involved in healing. They are very helpful and have many insights about other frequencies and dimensional layers, they also love a bit of glamour and colour and will happily put on a light and colour show to keep initiates happy and interested in the process of Grid Engineering. Writing articles for Lightworkers WorldI am now a regular contributor to www.lightworkersworld.com and my latest article ‘Clairvoyance and Earth Energy Work’ can be viewed online at ‘https://www.matrixharmonics.com/articles/clairvoyance-and-earth-energy-work/’ or at www.lightworkersworld.com. My next article about the shadow will be online before 2013. 2013 UpdatesIn 2013 I will be sharing some of my experiences at Lake Ballard and the Stirling Ranges, discussing my interactions with Earth energies, multi-dimensional beings and ET’s. In the interim enjoy the new frequencies that are being sent our way, and if any of you feel inclined to share your experiences with me, I would love to hear them. PAULINA HOWFIELDPaulina has trained in numerous traditional and esoteric disciplines including education, psychotherapy, art therapy, counselling, shamanism, healing, psychic development, mediumship and space clearing. For over twenty five years she has interacted with individuals, businesses and organisations in a training and consultancy capacity, while also travelling the world interacting and working metaphysically with Earth energies and beings in other realms. She runs Tours and Pilgrimages to sacred places, is an Earth Energy Consultant, Art Therapist, Shamanic Healer, Workshop Leader, Author and Public Speaker. www.matrixharmonics.com