Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: phowfield@hotmail.com
The following workshops are an introduction to the Curriculum Programme ‘Earth Energies Consciousness Training’ (EECT) that Paulina teaches.
Both aim to develop competency in effective interacting and communing with the Earth, and are pre-requisites for the next levels of training in the EECT programme. These courses are currently offered in Australia, the UK, and New Zealand. Contact her by phone on 0439 947 109 or email her via the contact page to find out more:
To read why Clairvoyance and psychic development are important to the work of the Earth Energy Specialist and the Grid Engineer go to: https://www.matrixharmonics.com/2012/11/latest-article-clairvoyance-and-earth-energie/
To read about Stone Circles and Ceremonies go to: https://www.matrixharmonics.com/solstice-rituals-and-ceremonies-at-stone-circles-and-megalithic-monuments/
Earth Energies Consciousness Training 1 – ‘Listening to the Heartbeat’
Earth is a living breathing being on a journey of intense soul development. By connecting to her heartbeat and learning to listen to her messages we start to see a bigger picture to her changing weather patterns and shifting body shape, and recognise that they are clues to a larger cosmic agenda of spiritual evolution. Earth is a mirror to humanity and all other beings and her changes are our changes. In this one day workshop participants will develop their relationship with the natural world and learn how to listen to the Heartbeat of the Earth. We will explore the principle elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and learn how to connect with the stones, plant and animal kingdoms.
Course Fee on Application
Earth Energies Consciousness Training 2 – ‘Answering the Call’
Communing and interacting with the Earth involves learning how to listen and respond to what the Earth is telling us. As she has many ways of communicating, it is important that we not only understand how she communicates, but what she is telling us. This workshop will help participants interact with the natural world, develop their psychic skill and mediumship skills, and introduce the cosmic plan in relation to spiritual evolution.
Course Fee on Application
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