Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: phowfield@hotmail.com
ALI SOLAR Initiation Pilgrimage, 12th-17th August, 2018
Join Paulina on this unique Bali Solar Initiation Pilgrimage to visit and clairvoyantly interact with Sun Temples, Dragons Lines and Hindu Temples of Indonesia. Plus be part of a SOLAR INITIATION CEREMONY at one of the oldest working Temples on the planet.
On this five day Bali Solar Initiation Pilgrimage we will visit and interact with many of the ancient temples on the Island of Bali. You will also have the chance to:
– Connect with devas and angelic beings
– Interact with archetypal and mythical energy imprints
– Experience ancient energies at some of the oldest working temples
– Learn how to interact clairvoyantly with Earth energies
– Discover some of the esoteric wisdom held within the visionary geography of our planet
BONUS – Each participant will also receive a complimentary one-on-one healing session with Paulina
** Numbers are limited to enable quality experiences and in-depth training
** Flights and Accommodation are not included in the cost of this Pilgrimage
** A group booking will be made at a five star hotel in UBUD for its duration
To find out more phone: 0439 947 109, to return to Pilgrimages and Tours Page
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