Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: phowfield@hotmail.com
‘We have separated from the truth of who we are as individuals, as communities and as a species. It is time to return, to go home to the truth of ourselves,
our planet and our cosmos.
All Paulina’s Esoteric Studies discuss the truth, our separation and our dis-connect from who we truly are. Once this recognition is clear, deeper esoteric training and more remembering takes places as participants investigate the hidden meanings that exist in the symbols and imprints of our individual and collective lives. The time to do this is NOW, so join her to understand more about who you are, and where you come from as she teaches and explains what is really happening on the planet at this time.
Every Course, Tour, Metaphysical Workshop, Spiritual Development Class, Angelic Studies Programme, Shamanic Course, Harmonious Earth Interaction and Earth Energy Consciousness Training Programme, focuses on helping you to remember and re-connect, and aims to help make the subtle or often called ‘invisible realms’, visible and easy to interact with. They have a deep foundation, that provides opportunities for individuals and groups to interact with ‘soul’ memory and begin the journey of deep and profound remembering. Plus their experiences during the esoteric studies curriculum encourage ‘connection’ to the self, the Earth and the Cosmos. Each training programme or presentation endeavours to help participants: a) cleanse the shadows of mystery that enabled these techniques and methods of spiritual and metaphysical understanding to be hidden; and b) enable the mythologies and symbolism ingrained in their inner wisdom to enter fully into our collective awareness.
As Paulina continues to deeply interact with the Earth and the subtle realms 24 hours a day, seven days a week, many of her courses and esoteric studies programmes are now delivered on a request basis. However she is committed to helping in any way she can, and she looks forward to hearing from you either by phone or email to discuss your personal or group needs. She can also provide consultancy skills to help you design esoteric studies packages, and/or deliver lectures, talks or mini-workshops about her work and experiences. In the interim you can find links below to read some of her articles that discuss her esoteric studies, clairvoyance services, healing practices and training delivery:
Clairvoyance and Earth Energies
Medicine Wheel brings Otter Wisdom
Solstice Rituals and Ceremonies at Stone Circles and Megalithic Monuments
How to do a Vision Quest
Archived Articles
London Calling Articles
Harmonious Earth Consultations