These unique ‘How To Live While Grieving’ workshops are designed to help families & individuals learn how to navigate Grief by combining energy management and spiritual engagement
They provide techniques to help you re-connect with your light and inner self as you move along the pathway that grief brings. Join Paulina at one of her unique workshops to:
*Learn Simple Energy Management Techniques to Help You Manage Stress, Exhaustion and Shifting Emotions
*Learn About Your Unique Triggers and How to Deal With Them
*Create A Self Management System For You And Your Family
*Create A Personal Self CARE Kit and more
Every participant will also experience a personal HEALING SESSION with the Drum and Rattle – to cleanse the aura; re-balance the subtle bodies; and lift the energy field
This Workshop can also be tailored to meet professional development requirements, community development and educational needs
Read more about the Workshops below, or contact Paulina today on 0439 947 109
‘How To Live While Grieving’ Workshops
Every year Paulina offers her services to her local group of Compassionate Friends and facilitates two group sessions for them at their annual weekend retreat.
The workshops she leads aim to help parents and families in whatever way is needed after the loss of a child, grandchild, or sibling. They provide skills and techniques to help groups and individuals cope with the effects of short and long term grief, and teach how to manage grief via energy management and spiritual engagement.
‘How To Live While Grieving‘ is particularly relevant to the newly bereaved, as they learn how to navigate all the components of loss. It is also relevant to those who experienced their loss years ago, as triggers can happen at any time that will renew the sense of loss. This is important to energy management, because if the immediate loss was not dealt with energetically, it can be of benefit – even years after the initial loss – to cleanse the field and energetically manage the subtle yet profound effects of grief on the subtle bodies.
While Paulina always explores how group members manage loss and the needs of the newly bereaved has a priority, there is always the opportunity for sharing new ideas and techniques that parents have discovered over time, whether as a family unit, couple or as individuals.
What Do They Include
Paulina includes energy management techniques that: help attendees release, stress, tension and fatigue; and strengthen their subtle bodies and auric field. This helps anyone experiencing grief deal with emotional swings, unwanted thought patterns, lack of energy and unexpected issue with families and friends that can arise at the time of profound loss.
In these unique workshops she also incorporates indigenous and shamanic energy management techniques, that help participants find new and deeply personal ways to help them navigate ‘How to Live While Grieving’. This helps them develop a sense of connection with the ‘otherness’ of this world, to the spirit world, the stars and the sky – which many feel a connection to after a loss. The energy work also helps them establish a relationship to the unseen world of the four directions, plant and animal guides, the elemental world, and the Earth and cosmos that we are all a part of.
Unique Activities In This Workshop
In the group you will create personal care kits, and tobacco ties, and Paulina will work with each person individually with the drum and rattle. She also uses her skills as an integrative arts therapist and psychotherapist to give group members as many skills as possible to help them through this life long journey, so that they can learn how to look after themselves and their family in a range of situations and navigate the unexpected triggers that happen throughout the rest of their lives.
(‘Prayer Ties’ or ‘Tobacco Ties’ are made to help participants connect with the healing medicine of tobacco, and the four elements to help release their grief, plus honour the life of those who have died )
Paulina Has Delivered This Workshop To:
Individuals and families who are newly or long term bereaved;
Community Organisations and Cancer Care Groups;
Parents and families of children with Acquired Brain Injury;
Individuals who are living their dying, or living with a serious illness;
Men, women and teenagers who have lost their job, are newly separated or have a reason for unexpected grief and trauma;