Category Archives: Blog
The Whales Share Their Medicine and Help Us Remember Who We Are

The Whales share their Medicine as they migrate north, and each of them is helping us to remember our inner sounds and activate the codes held within our DNA. Each day the whales are sharing their medicine into our human … Continue reading
Consciousness Card Reading April 2020

Planetary Consciousness Card Reading Today I was called to do a planetary consciousness Animal Medicine Card Reading. As always, the Cards share great wisdom. Over the past few weeks there has been much discussion both online and off about what … Continue reading
Transformation with Butterfly Medicine

Transformation is in the Air Aligning with the natural world to gain insight into our personal and collective journey is powerful medicine. Today’s natural medicine came via the Butterfly world. As I walked along in nature, I counted 62 vibrantly … Continue reading
Earth Energies and ‘Slaying the Dragon’

‘Slaying The Dragon’ is part of medieval literature and the Quest for the Holy Grail.
But what does it really mean for an Earth Energy and Lightworker? Continue reading
December Solstice 22nd, 2019 (3:19 pm EST)

December Solstice Energies and Influences No matter where we live on our planet, the December Solstice is a time when we can be highly sensitive to the energies around us. This is because the veils between the visible and invisible … Continue reading