Category Archives: Blog

For many Education Advocates, the Arts are a Panacea because ART makes you Smart Art makes you smart because it: increases test scores, generates social responsibility and can turn around failing schools. Till recently most of the supporting evidence, did … Continue reading
What is the Connection Between Sirius and Human History

As a lightworker, and esoteric map-maker I have found many places on Earth have a Connection between Sirius and Human history In fact in my many years of working clairvoyantly and metaphysically with Earth’s visionary geography, sacred sites and geomantic … Continue reading
WIN 2014 ‘Stone Circles Calendar’

You could win a 2014 Stone Circles Calendar. There are three to be won I love stone circles. I love the way they look, the way they feel to the touch, the way they act and the many ways that … Continue reading
‘Matrix Harmonics Personal and Planetary Healing’ – join us on Facebook
Nature Healing – It is time for us to collectively return to a lifestyle where we form creative partnerships with the nature spirits. When we live on land, when we work with land, when we purchase land it is important … Continue reading
‘Harmonious Earth Interactions’ connect with me on Facebook
I have been consciously working and interacting with the Earth and her Energies and all they have to teach us for over 25 years. Every day I am prompted in some way by the energies of the Earth and her … Continue reading
Techniques for Healing Difficult Emotions and Feelings
A Range of Techniques for Healing Difficult Emotions and Feelings The following techniques for healing difficult emotions and feelings will also help you identify what to do with the effects of anger, grief, sadness, depression and guilt: Understanding why you … Continue reading
Innocence is our very Nature

Innocence is who we are and we don’t have to become it! Under the conditioning of how we act, think and feel is our true self and innocence is our very nature. We are all born innocent, open and receptive. … Continue reading
Develop a Relationship with the EARTH

How Do We Develop a Relationship With The Earth? The first thing to consider to develop a relationship with the Earth is the idea that the Earth is not just a giant rock that revolves around a brilliant Sun. She … Continue reading
Workshop – ‘Life Matters-Energy Placement’ 9th November 2013
Offering two Group Workshops tomorrow 9th November at the annual Compassionate Friends retreat in Dwellingup. The Topic is – ‘Life Matters-Energy Management’ – using the Expressive Arts to explore how our thoughts and feelings affect our energy levels. Always such … Continue reading
Teaching others to have a more Sacred Relationship with the Earth
Sandra Ingerman, Shaman and Author of ‘Medicine for the Earth’ has been named spiritual hero of 2013 by Here is their interview where she talks about wanting to teach others to have more sacred relationship with the Earth. Go … Continue reading