Category Archives: Blog
Native Americans Need to Provide Proof

Another Sacred Place May Be Destroyed Because Native Americans Need To Provide Proof That A Site In Utah Is Worth Saving It seems strange to me that Native Americans and Indigenous People across the planet need to provide proof that … Continue reading
Circle images on stones – how did they get there?

I love these circle images, found on so many sites around the world. Good to see thinking practises about how they got there are changing.

ANGELS GATHER IN THE PACIFIC RIM – To anchor the light and herald in the new. I have been interacting with the angels since yesterday evening they have suggested that I pass this on: As the recent Earth movements continue … Continue reading
Expressive Arts Therapy Helps With Body Image
According to Dr. Deah Schwartz, Expressive Arts Therapy Helps with Body Image So what is the Relationship and how does it help? In a recent article Dr. Deah Schwartz wrote: “Expressive Arts Therapy be an exceptionally good fit for addressing … Continue reading
‘Infanta Dona Urraca Goblet May Be Grail Cup

Two Historians claim that the Dona Urraca Goblet may be the ‘Grail Cup’ León University medieval history lecturer Margarita Torres and art historian José Manuel Ortega del Rio – claim in their new book “Kings of the Grail,” that the … Continue reading
Molars from Skeletons Reveal Secrets of the Medieval Black Death
In the 1980s and 1990s my earth energy work involved a lot of energy clearing in the City of London, and I often encountered imprints and dead people from the time of the Plague. Interesting to see then that more … Continue reading
Time Is All An Illusion!
Clairvoyance and the Understanding of TIME Is All An Illusion Through my clairvoyant interactions in the invisible worlds it has become clear to me that our understanding of time time is all an illusion. All my clairvoyant interactions with Earth’s … Continue reading
Proving the Paranormal Phenomena

Proving the Paranormal is Real is not easy for Scientists as they can’t test, measure and study such phenomena the way science requires A growing number of scientists are calling for a shift in scientific methods to enable acknowledgement of … Continue reading
Comprehensive Dowsing Workbook

A fantastic Comprehensive Dowsing Workbook has just been published by Wynelle Delaney An American dowser, based in Perth WA, she has just printed a 250 page, Comprehensive DOWSING Workbook that is filled with resource lists, diagrams, how to’s, health and … Continue reading
Rite Journey – Rites of Passage Ceremonies

Would your teenager benefit from participating in the Rite Journey – Rites of Passage Ceremonies? Schools around the world are now adopting and adapting the Rite Journey – Rites of Passage Ceremonies. A programme that draws on the traditional concept … Continue reading