Our Planet is Becoming The New Earth
Every living thing on her body has been invited to join her. Are you ready?
In 2008 Paulina Howfield was invited to speak at the New Earth Conference in New Zealand about how we are Becoming the New Earth and what may happen at the December Solstice in 2012. Shortly afterwards she was asked to write this Lead Article for the Conscious Living Magazine. It was published in December 2008 in Issue 80
– Becoming The New Earth –
(Copyrighted Article written by Paulina Howfield for Conscious living Magazine, Issue 80, 2008)
Many people believe the Earth is just a giant rock that revolves around a brilliant Sun, yet she is a living Consciousness with a Soul, subtle bodies and energy nodes.
Her Soul is known as ‘Gaia’ and is the governing consciousness of the energy fields resonating within and around her. Gaia is also the CEO of Earth’s physical and subtle bodies. She monitors her ‘bodies’ and oversees the specific energy nodes and chakra points which make up the visionary geography of her sacred sites.
Like every living thing, there is nothing about Earth that is static. Her weather, mountains, rivers and seas are in a constant state of change and flux. Some things on her body live, while others die. Some things get bigger, and others shrink. This is as it should be within the cycles of life and death that she embodies. There is nothing about this natural process of change that should alarm us.
Yet many people are alarmed by some of her recent changes as her body moves, her waters shrink and her ice flows melt. Gaia however, is clear that we should not be alarmed, and that we should not act or respond in panic.
Alarm and panic she says are human responses to things we do not understand and are based on the emotion of fear. Through our fear we are relying on commissions, summits and political agendas for the answers we search for, instead of finding our answers through respectful interaction with the Earth.
Interact with the Soul of the Earth
When we interact with the Earth as a living being – not as a rock covered with trees, with a beautiful ocean here and there – she responds like a Mother. She draws us close, welcomes us into her fold and lets us hear her heartbeat. By listening and interacting with her heartbeat we begin to feel more connected to our selves and our planet. We also start to become aware that her pulse is central to everything that happens on her body, and that all things on her body are actually connected.
This sense of a bigger picture, enables us to see that there is nothing that happens to her that does not happen to us, and that every part of her is an aspect of a consciousness which responds to, as well as reflects, our collective and individual interaction.
Her Soul consciousness meets and interacts with ours. As she attunes to us, she gently and wisely helps us open our hearts, minds and bodies. We are led on a path of deep cosmic remembering and soulful awareness. Mother Earth then helps us link soul to soul with her body and its visionary geography, so that we may help her and consciously participate in her journey of Becoming the New Earth.
Becoming a New Earth
In this particular time in our NOW, Gaia is preparing for a new existence at a higher level of vibration. She is becoming a ‘New Earth’ and there are many things to do in this process. She is changing the resonance of her subtle bodies; she is cleansing the shadow imprints from her energy fields; and she is pulling more light into her re-connected visionary geography.
While her body is adept at cleansing and healing, and she is doing what she needs to with the Light, our mindfulness of the plan and any help we can offer in its facilitation will be graciously received by her as this long-term plan comes to fruition.
Becoming a New Earth is a profound process of soul development for Gaia which cannot happen overnight. In fact, the engineering of such a plan required many pieces of a large cosmic jigsaw of timing, placement and awakening to be placed in the correct order.
This is partly because what is happening here on this planet at this time is rare. The soul of a planet progressing to a Star, and taking everything that lives on its body with them, is unique in cosmic history. It is an amazing thing that she is attempting to do. Those of us who reside on her, from the single celled organism to the largest mammal, are extremely lucky to be a part of it.
However, while the animals, plants, trees and other organisms have been consciously assisting in this plan and helping her to do what is necessary for a very long time, Western humanity, supposedly the most advanced species on the planet is predominantly not even aware of such a plan.
Left Brain Logic
This has come about because we have followed the path of developing the left brain-hemisphere and have collectively focused on science and technology to help us understand the world that we think we live in. The left side of the human brain has difficulty believing that a soul of the Earth actually exists. Believing that there is a cosmic plan for a New Earth is just weird. It doesn’t make sense and is completely illogical.
Yet our left brain logic has led us astray from our innate connection with the natural world, as it relies on facts that can be measured and tested to prove something is valid. The left brain’s only current evidence in relation to the Soul of Earth and her plan for ascension is climate change, which science and technology inform us is happening due to our emissions and carbon footprints.
Yet when we interact with Gaia as a living consciousness and listen to what she has to share, she informs us that climate changes on her body are not just due to emissions and carbon footprints but are reflections of the changes that she herself is undergoing as she cleanses her subtle bodies, releases negative imprints and re-connects her visionary geography.
Furthermore, she communicates, creating a fifty-year plan as some have suggested, to enable humanity to exist in the same way it does now, is not the way to engage with what is happening. This will only keep the focus on predominantly left-brain solutions that attempt to create certainties in an uncertain world.
Finding our Truth
While none of our current ways of dealing with climate change will have a major impact on what she is doing – because the plan for her ascension has reached a path of no return and will go ahead anyway – ignoring the truth and choosing to stay in old paradigms of thinking will make it hard for humanity.
Earth and her lightworkers are working hard. Our individual and collective imprints of fear, denial, resistance, power and separation, all of which manifest in our subtle bodies through left brain thinking, are well into the process of being cleansed.
So if we continue to manifest similar left brain thinking and ideologies of how to live our lives, the collective unconscious of humanity will move into a pattern of holding rather than one of release. Consequently, it will be harder for us on an emotional and physical level to experience the changes in vibration. It will be a struggle…and few humans like to struggle if they don’t have to.
Right Brain Thinking
Therefore, as this process of change continues, the very minimum humanity can do, both on an individual and collective level, is to connect with the Soul of the Earth and engage in right-brain thinking. Our right brain recognises the natural world, believes in the invisible or energetic realms, honours the unknown, acts from the heart, and understands intuition and insight. Thinking via the right brain is also holistic and inclusive. It dissolves judgement, embraces individuality and helps us to encounter change with enthusiasm rather than fear.
As humanity as a whole learns the aspects of right brain thinking and discovers how to think, feel and act in harmony with these aspects, the response to what happens on this planet and how we live our lives, will change permanently. We will also be able to communicate with the Soul of the Earth to find the answers to any problems that arise on her body, and we will be able to follow her wisdom as to what we need to do.
Embracing Change
Then we can start to understand and embrace these changes for what they are – a profound unfolding of an ancient cosmic plan. A plan for planetary ascension that is fostering the collective consciousness evolution of a vast number of species. Species that are currently experiencing a third-dimensional life on a planet called Earth, that has an amazingly generous Soul called Gaia.
Then again, we may just decide through right brain thinking that it really doesn’t matter what the truth is or whether any of this is real. We may decide what really matters is dropping into the energy of the heart; living in the moment; recognising that there is no past or future; and embracing the NOW.
Should we choose to follow that pathway our planet and subsequently humanity will be happy; we will have entered the paradigm of the New Earth.