Author Archives: Paulina
Nature versus Nurture

Compelling evidence of the nature versus nurture quest in psychology: In psychology studies there are lots of discussions about nature versus nurture, and its impact on the personal and psychological development and well being of each individual. Numerous twins have … Continue reading
Near Death Experiences and Painting

Frenetic Painting Stories influenced by oncoming death and post Near Death Experiences A few days after the events of September 11, 2001, I was in Vietnam delivering Training and was told this story – ‘An artist who had rented collective … Continue reading
Goddess Temples on Malta

What can the Goddess Temples on Malta teach us about Earth history and early civilization? I have been working on my book about the Earth energies and Goddess Temples on Malta and found this picture of one of the temple … Continue reading
Painting of The Void

Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: An acrylic and mixed media Painting of The Void or Healing Space known to Shamans and Healers across the World. This painting of the void entitled ‘The Void’ describes the entrance and exit point … Continue reading
‘Moonlight on the Old Road’

‘Moonlight on the Old Road’ – An Acrylic and Mixed Media Painting: “Moonlight on the Old Road”, was painted in response to my feelings about progress and the elimination of wild places on the planet. For some years at night, … Continue reading
Loss of Ancient buildings in Kathmandu
The loss of ancient buildings in Kathmandu and their beauty and wisdom is heartbreaking as shown in this video. Yet, as I often share here on my blog, all things on this planet are connected and no building or piece … Continue reading
Intuitive and creative impulse

Intuitive and creative Impulse – someone asked me recently what inspires me to paint and or choose my subjects. I find that my subjects, topics and themes tend to find me, and the painting is not painted by me, but … Continue reading
Bronze Galaxy Painting Mirrors Ancient Stone Carvings

Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: This painting mirrors ancient stone carvings from the Bronze Age that were found in Cochno in Scotland Titled ‘Bronze Galaxies’ this image was created after a series of dreams that showed how these pathways … Continue reading
Cochno Stone Markings

Stone Symbols and Markings Appear in Many Places and They Help us Understand Cultures and Artwork The Cochno Stone Markings in Scotland are examples of symbols and markings unique to the Bronze Age. The Cochno Stone Markings show cup and … Continue reading