Author Archives: Paulina
Earth Changes and the Sun

The healing energy of the Sun infuses the land As we move ever closer to the 15th June and the prophecied quakes and rumbles of the Earth, the Sun continues to shine in our hearts and minds and on the … Continue reading
The Sun’s Healing Energy in Ireland
Stone circles aligning with the wagyl The rainbow serpent is manifesting across the land and the sun is shining brightly infusing all the ancient sites with its healing energy.
Full moon energies at Newgrange in Ireland

Spent the past two days visiting and interacting with some of Ireland’s sacred sites. All were filled with dragon energies, celtic essences and memories of a time we have collectively forgotten.
Pathways to the Stars in Belfast
Talk and workshop in Belfast went well at Secrets of the Earth. Great people, great day and very good meditations had by all. Will post audios soon
Ghostly presence at Conference – UK Probe

This was an unexpected Ghostly Presence at the 2011 UK Probe Conference The two days conference at Blackpool was stimulating and there were some interesting speakers. Plus we had this ghostly presence in the audience captured by one of the … Continue reading
February 2011Newsletter

KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US ON FACEBOOK Come and visit, click on your ‘like’ button and stay in touch with all the news on a daily basis, go to:Matrix Harmonics Personal and Planetary Healing CONTENTS: Hello and Welcome News Update … Continue reading
More Energy Activations and Alignments in the Southwest

The Energy Activations and Alignments in the Southwest went very well and now the stone people are singing their messages across the landscape I have just spent five days interacting with Earth Energies in the southwest doing energy activations and … Continue reading
Business Stuff
All updates or changes to the events schedule will be posted here and on my Facebook page – Matrix Harmonics Personal and Planetary Healing Personal-and-Planetary-Healing/113745341985352 If you would like a brochure regarding any of the 2011/12 Tours email me … Continue reading
Esoteric News Update

Esoteric News Update for 2011 In esoteric circles, 2011 this is the year for the Embodiment of Lightworkers, when many people will awaken to their spiritual essence and embody their role in the greater unfolding plan. This is great news … Continue reading