Author Archives: Paulina
Lakota Message for Living

Lakota Message for Living from Buffalo Calf Woman Friend do it this way – that is, whatever you do in life, do the very best you can with both your heart and mind. And if you do it that way, … Continue reading
Walk the Path of Wisdom

“Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.” – Buddha
Volcanoes Erupting – part of the plan of change!

Given that many of the current eruptions of volcanoes are on grids on the Earth which are of interest to our cosmic ancestors and the ongoing global awakening, I am curious to see where the next ones will be as … Continue reading
Message of Owl shows up in Tree

Love this message of owl in a tree! What a great place to grow its message. The Message of Owl is to move into the silence and open our inner and outer eyes in order to shed all that we … Continue reading
Equinox Energies September 2012

We just experienced the Equinox energies on September 22nd/23rd, and bathed in the Solar Light frequencies of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. No matter where we are – in cities, or towns, in the deserts or … Continue reading
Ant People and Pleidian Beings – Going home

Today I spent time connecting with a group of ant people in the east of USA who had been unable to return to their home land on the Pleiades. They had come here hundreds of years ago to support the … Continue reading
Bolivia believes end of Mayan Calendar personifies end of Capitalism – so no more Coca Cola

Bolivians believe that the end of the Mayan Calendar on 21st December marks the end of capitalism and the start of a culture of life in community-based societies. So no more cocoa cola in Bolivia – Bolivia is a third … Continue reading
Pleiadian Channelling – re Earth Frequency Changes

A Pleiadian Channelling Update about the Earth Changes, Frequency Increases and Body Disturbances – JULY-3-2012 ‘We are confirming that a super concentrated high vibrational light wave is building on the surface of Gaia. This standing light-wave has a beautiful green … Continue reading
Fiery energies in the sky at sunset

Amazing image taken at Cottesloe beach on the weekend. No matter whether its a chemtrail, meteor or unidentified flying object, its beautiful!
Clay Therapy

Clay therapy has great results with people who are depressed or stressed, as it provides a perfect medium for people to relax and ‘play’ while also exploring and expressing their feelings in a non-threatening way. We use it with all … Continue reading