Author Archives: Paulina
12:12:12 and 21:12:12 Attunements and Ceremonies

I have been called to one of the portals of the planet at the Stirling Ranges. For both the 12:12:12 and the 21:12:12/22:12:12. Anyone ‘called’ to be there can join me there physically or in the etherics.
Crop Circle in Australia

A Crop Circle arrives in NSW on the 23rd November, containing a Vesica Pisces, Flower of Life and Eye of Horus. Getting back to the original sacred geometry, and the beginning of form.
New Moon Solar Eclipse

We Have Just Experienced a Very Powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse As I observed the New Moon Solar Eclipse I took some photos of this beautiful celestial phenomena. The Light flowing into the Earth through this celestial alignment has enhanced … Continue reading
Spiritual Perspectives

This made me laugh. This is so true! The 3D perspective that depends on what we think we need, what we want, and where we are….
Spirituality, Healing and Clairvoyance in the DNA
Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more….
Stone Circles in Ireland changing frequencies

As the Earth frequencies continue to change and more places enlighten their vibrations, the songs of the stone circles and the songs of stones generally are being heard by many. I love these stones in Ireland – part of my … Continue reading
Latest Article – Clairvoyance and Earth Energie

Read my latest article about the importance of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience in my work as an earth energy specialist….
Art for the future

Spent the morning at a workshop for artists, discussing art projects for the future. No artist present felt that the focus of their work was political, yet all felt that their work had a spiritual nature and value. Interesting!
Pyramid of the Moon, Mexico

Mexican Pyramid helps us interact with the energies of the Divine Feminine As we move deeper into the energies of the Divine Feminine – here is a beautiful example of a Temple dedicated to the Great Goddess – The Pyramid … Continue reading