Author Archives: Paulina
Season’s Greetings
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year…Me thinks it is going to be an incredible year for us all! Infinite blessings, may you all be surrounded by the love and light of your physical and non-physical families at … Continue reading
Sunset at Solstice
How were your celebrations for the Solstice and end of the Mayan Calendar? How ARE YOU FEELING? Its great to be alive at this time isn’t it? The light is so vibrant and Alive, and I am intrigued to see … Continue reading
December Solstice, 2012

Early tomorrow morning the 20th December, I return to the portal for the 2012 December Solstice and end of Mayan calendar meditations. Wherever you will be and whoever you will be with, may you feel the light in your hearts, … Continue reading
Feel the expansion of your consciousness
As we move further into the light as a planet and as a species, the words of OSHO resonate – ‘When you feel expansion of your consciousness, that is the most ecstatic experience possible, because suddenly you are the whole … Continue reading
Spirit on the mountain

Nayt or ‘spirit’ at Bula Meala – the mountain of many eyes at the Stirling Ranges. On the 13th December when the storm began to clear.
The 5th Dimensional Directors of the Elemental Kingdoms are in position
The 5th-Dimensional Directors of the Elemental Kingdom are taking their strategic positions in preparation for the powerful Activity of Light 21-22 Dec. To align and connect with them, in this instance – * The Directors of the Air Element and … Continue reading
Message from the Hathors
Here is a message from the Hathors that is full of guidance and good support for what we are doing as we continue in the preparation. ‘You are recalibrating yourselves as you reach pure states of consciousness, perception and awareness … Continue reading
End of Mayan Calendar – gratitude for what we have
Only five more sleeps (unless we have a few naps along the way) to the big day, that has been talked about and discussed in esoteric and healing circles for many years. As we fully embody our capacity for light … Continue reading
Back from Stirling Ranges

Returned from Stirling Ranges today, so back in internet land until next week, when I head back there again for 21st December. Weather was amazing – electrical storms and cyclonic winds – a powerful time to be with the mountains. … Continue reading
Damage to Dragon Lines by mining endeavours

Sadly one of the oldest ‘Dragon’ areas on the planet continues to be damaged by the effects of mining. The devas, gnomes and elementals are working along with many of us to fix/repair/restore this area as much as possible as … Continue reading