Author Archives: Paulina
Water in Inner Earth holds enough Water to be an Ocean!

Apparently our Inner Earth is a Reservoir of Water and Holds Enough to Make an Ocean But is the Inner Earth really a reservoir of water? Well some scientists think it may be as a rare diamond has been found … Continue reading
Doing a Vision Quest

Doing a Vision Quest is a ritual of the indigenous people of North America that was traditionally taken as a rite of passage by young men. It involves going into the wilderness, locating a personal power spot, and constructing a … Continue reading
Vision Quest Rituals are a Rite of Passage

Vision quests are a rite of passage ritual of the indigenous people of North America Nowadays though vision quests are done in various cultures across the planet and can provide powerful spiritual teaching as well as a rite of passage … Continue reading
Ancient Trees are Being Cut Down in WA

Despite a Ban on old Growth Logging, 400 year old Trees are Being Cut Down On a recent visit to the south-west Geologist and Palaeontologist – Marjorie Apthorpe carbon-dated the Jarrah Trees in the Challar Forest of WA. They were … Continue reading
Opening the Third Eye Part 2

OPENING The THIRD EYE Part II – Opening The Third Eye can happen in an instant, but for most of us it takes time and practice to facilitate this happening It’s been a week since the post on March 7th … Continue reading
‘Shift: A 5th Dimensional Approach to Relationships’

Malana Ashlie has a new book called Shift: a 5th Dimensional Approach to Relationships – exactly what is needed in the days, weeks and months ahead As we more fully enter the peaceful and loving energies of the higher dimensions, … Continue reading
Techniques for Opening the Third Eye

Opening the Third Eye When it comes to opening the THIRD EYE, Consciousness is very clever. When the blueprint for our human bodies was being created, everything that we would need, in order to have a spiritual connection to the … Continue reading
Esoteric and Shamanic Training
All of the Esoteric and Shamanic Training Workshops offered at Matrix Harmonics focus on the many different ways to enter the rhythms, sounds and consciousness of the invisible world. Matrix Harmonics courses that focus on esoteric and shamanic training include: … Continue reading
Esoteric Workshops 101 with Matrix Harmonics

At Matrix Harmonics we deliver numerous Esoteric Workshops that teach the different ways to interact with the rhythms, sounds and consciousness of the invisible world. From the electrons spinning around the nucleus of an atom, to the planets spinning around … Continue reading
Personal Purpose and Identity

Paulina’s Personal Purpose and Identity in the Year Ahead My personal purpose and identity and the focus of my work, is always about spiritual and personal growth and individual and collective enlightenment, So the energies present this year, will be … Continue reading