Author Archives: Paulina
Law of Mother Earth

In October this year Bolivia passed The Law of Mother Earth (“Ley de Derechos de La Madre Tierra”) ensuring that Pachamama – the land – is held sacred and respected as a living system with rights to protect her from … Continue reading
Balance of Nature will be Broken

We need to change the way we live or the balance of nature will soon be broken Recently the spiritual representative of the people of the Sierra Nevada discussed our need to address the balance of nature with local Aboriginal … Continue reading
Past Life Regression Therapy

Past Life Regression Sessions, Energy Alignments and Intuitive Readings This year why not give CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT ARE LIFE CHANGING – and keep on giving! This holiday season you could purchase a gift that will inspire your friends and family … Continue reading
Christmas Stocking Fillers

Rainbow Spiral Magnets are great Christmas Stocking Fillers It’s the time of year when small things can make a big difference to our loved ones, and these magnets are just the thing: Do you want small and beautiful things to … Continue reading
Arcturan Healers and Spirit Doctors
Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: Healing Land and Animals with the Arcturan Healers and Spirit Doctors Had a great day yesterday working with the Arcturan Healers and Spirit Doctors. I was on a property that is often used by … Continue reading
Object out of time

This Baghdad Battery is an Object Out of Time This is yet another example of an object out of time – an object or device that does not fit into the purported history of this planet and the skill development … Continue reading
Healing the Navajo Nation

Healing the Navajo Nation – The government delivers long awaited compensation Healing comes in many ways and sometimes after very long periods. But this long awaited compensation goes some way towards healing the Navajo Nation. On Friday September 26th in … Continue reading
Living in the state of heaven can become permanent

When the state of heaven becomes permanent, when it cannot be lost, it is moksha, it is absolute freedom. When living in a permanent state of heaven, bliss becomes your nature and heaven and hell have disappeared. Then wherever you … Continue reading
Sacred Sites with Healing Water

Healing Waters have been important to humans and animals since the beginning or our existence on this Planet There are many Healing Springs and Sacred Sites with Healing Water all over the world. All of which vibrate with a unique … Continue reading
Near-Death Experiences
The conversation about near-death experiences (NDE’s) is typically centered around questions about the afterlife and what happens to consciousness should you follow the iconic tunnel of light. Less frequently discussed, however, is what happens to people after near-death experiences, and … Continue reading