Personal Profile
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Personal Profile for Matrix Harmonics
‘Matrix Harmonics – Personal and Planetary Healing’ is the website for Paulina Howfield. It creates an umbrella for all her metaphysical and spiritual skills as she teaches about personal and planetary healing, and encourages deep spiritual connection with the self, the planet and universal consciousness.
‘Paulina is a gifted woman with many facets to her gifts.
She is healer, counsellor, Earth Energy worker, speaker, artist and much, much more.
At a very trying point in my life she stepped up and guided me through a very fraught situation,
where I was constantly losing sight of the serenity of my normal life.
Each time she patiently guided me back to the shore and reassured me that all would be well.
Which eventually it was! I will always be grateful for the love and support she gave me at this time.
We have also shared many joyful and awe inspiring moments, travelling together and delving into the deepest
metaphysical realms and I would thoroughly recommend her to anyone looking for a healer
or guide into the greater mysteries of existence’……Liz Campbell
Personal Profile for Paulina
For many years Paulina has been dedicated to Spiritual Ascension; Right Brain Consciousness; and the Healing of the Collective. After a Near-Death-Experience in the 1980’s, Paulina realised this was her calling, and she has embraced her own spiritual experiences as well as developing skills to help others understand Life-after-Death; Energy and Healing Medicines; Consciousness; and Spirituality.
Her work as an Art Therapist, Healer and Educator focuses on personal and spiritual development, while her Education Programmes, Esoteric Workshops and Sacred Earth Pilgrimages deliver services that are holistic and life enhancing.
She has lectured at Colleges and Universities in the UK and Australia, and provided Training Consultation to Government Departments, LGO’s and NGO’S in the UK, US, Europe, Asia and Australia. Paulina has also worked with groups and individuals around the world as a Past Life Regression Therapist, Space Clearing Consultant and Integrative Arts Therapist.
Since her NDE, Paulina has also been interacting as a Clairvoyant and Healer with Earth’s subtle bodies, sacred sites and visionary geography. For over twenty five years she has deepened her metaphysical understanding about the effects of Earth Changes on the collective unconscious of humanity. She has also developed a symbiotic working relationship with devas, angelic beings, extra-terrestrials and galactic bodies that enables her to effectively assist them in cleansing, aligning and balancing Earth’s subtle bodies.
She writes a column for a spiritual development magazine, is a community radio presenter and artist, and has spoken at Conferences in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Peru and America. She has been interviewed by Noosa FM, 12Radio, Byron Bay Radio, The Witching Hour, Beacon of Light Radio, UKTV, ITV, MTV, SBS, Channel 9, ABC Radio, Channel 31, RTR FM, 93.5 FM, 6PR, 6NR, Sedona Magazine, NOVA, Conscious Living Magazine and Spirit Earth Magazine.
Her book ‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta’ discusses her interactions with the Earth Energies and Cosmic Archetypal Imprints on the Islands of Malta in the 1980s and her work to raise awareness of the Divine Feminine aspect of Consciousness.
Her deck of forty two Soul Whispers Cards use her own photo images and spiritual insights – to help you hear the Truth WITHIN and act upon the Teachings from Your UNIQUE SOUL.
Her Earth Healing Meditations were created to enable journeyers to interact with sacred sites on our planet and deepen their relationship with the ancient guardians and cosmic entities that enhance their energetic resonances. Her five processes will help you connect to the morphic fields at Machu Picchu, Newgrange, Uluru, Stonehenge and Besakhi.
Paulina also provides Healing and Art Therapy Consultations, Earth Healing related Services, and Card Readings. You can learn more about these at her products page. She also does public speaking and can tailor presentations/talks, training programmes and workshops to suit the needs of your group, organisation or conference.
To find out more about her skills and interests, you can read some of her Articles, read her Blog, view her soul oriented Artwork and photography, and join her on Facebook. You can also visit her linked in profile at: View Paulin
a Howfield’s profile
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