We are now on Facebook. Come and visit, click on your ‘like’ button and stay in touch with all the news on a daily basis, go to: Matrix Harmonics Personal and Planetary Healing (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Matrix-Harmonics-Personal-and-Planetary-Healing/113745341985352)
Newsletter Contents
- Hello and Welcome
- News Update
- Upcoming Events
- Product Information
- February Specials
- Ascension Process
Hello and Welcome
This is the first Newsletter for 2011 which I trust finds you well and happy.
In esoteric circles, this is the year for the Embodiment of Lightworkers,
when many people will awaken to their spiritual essence and embody their
role in the greater unfolding plan. This is great news for Earth and humanity
and the shimmering effect of our growing light shines brightly on this planet
and in the ethers. It is a great time to be present and living in harmony with
the Earth and each other, and I wish you well as you travel your path in the
days, weeks and months ahead that lead us ever closer to the prophecies
of 2012.
While I don’t align with the viewpoint that everything will change at a certain time and date in 2012, I do believe that the encoding in our DNA around these prophecies has been influencing us for a long time and will continue to influence humanity as a collective species for many years to come.
Earth’s hertz frequency continues to elevate, the Christ Grid is active and
The Unity Consciousness Grid continues to align. The elevation of the
Earth’s vibration is affecting us on a daily basis, as our individual and
collective experience of ‘form’ and ‘matter’ changes and our once lineal
concepts of time become less ‘normal’. We are in effect gradually
moving into a collective awareness that all time is NOW.
We are also gaining more understanding, awareness and experience of synchronicity and intuitive insight, PLUS there is a global pull to become more holistic and right brained in our approach to living and interacting with the Earth. So I encourage each of you to follow your particular calling with passion, and engage with all you are asked to do with integrity and purpose.
This year it is time for me to continue with a placement and alignment of energies that I started many years ago in the UK and Europe. So from the end of March I will be in that part of the world working with people, interacting with the Earth energies and connecting with whatever the Crop Circles bring us.
I will be doing Talks, Training Workshops, Individual Consultations and Earth Energy Tours in that part of the world till the end of May and look forward to seeing you there. To find out more about the growing schedule read the Upcoming Events section below.
- All updates or changes to the events schedule will be posted on my website at www.matrixharmonics.com and on my Facebook page –http://www.facebook.com/pages/Matrix-Harmonics-Personal-and-Planetary-Healing/113745341985352). Matrix Harmonics Personal and Planetary Healing (
- If you would like a brochure regarding any of the 2011/12 Tours email me at phowfield@hotmail.com and I will send you a PDF copy.
- At the website there is a Newsletter page to read and respond to, (so if you have something to say about the energies of this year or other things you have experienced, leave a message there, or you can send me an email and I will post it for you). You can also make comments on the Facebook page.
- Archived Articles and Audio Interviews are currently not accessible on the website – they will be up soon – upon completion of a free Online Membership Section due to be working by the end of February 2011.
UK PROBE Conference Saturday 26th March (2pm – 3pm) ST Annes, BLACKPOOL – A one hour presentation at two day conference. I will be discussing the Cosmic Agenda for Earth Changes, my work as a grid engineer, and showing images and explaining some of my recent work with Dragon Lines and Lemurian energies in Peru and New Zealand. I will also have paintings, and CD’s of Talks and Meditations available for purchase.
‘Singing with the Angels’ Saturday 2nd April (9am – 5pm) Stirling, Scotland – Using sound and colour we raise the vibrations of the body to interact and ‘Sing With the Angels’– you do not have to be able to sing to attend this workshop!
‘Pathway to the Stars’ Saturday 16th April (10am – 5pm) Belfast, Ireland – Metaphysical and Esoteric Training to learn how to use the body as a portal to travel the ancient pathways to connect with the cosmic self; and interact with other dimensions and beings from other galaxies.
‘Grid Engineering Training’ Saturday 23rd April (9am to 5pm)– London – A one day Training workshop that combines the two principle courses in my Earth Energy Consciousness Training Programme (more information on website), to prepare participants for upcoming Earth Tours, Pilgrimages and Earth Energy Workshops.
Earth Pilgrimages and Crop Circle Tours
‘Interacting with the Geomythic Landscape of Ancient Avalon’ 1st to 6th May – Five days Pilgrimage of Transformation interacting with the ancient sites and Earth Energies that are geomythically connected to the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
‘Crop Circle Interactions’ Thursday 19th May (10am – 9pm) Southwest UK – One day tour to experience and interact with Crop Circles.
‘Re-birthing the Thames’ Saturday 21st May (10am – 5pm) London – One day discovery tour of some of the ancient sacred sites along the Thames River and in the East end area of London.
All merchandise can be purchased via the contact page on my website. A selection will also be available at all talks and workshops. To receive a Catalogue of Artwork and Merchandise, make a purchase or request a an ART Commission contact me at phowfield@hotmail.com
A selection of Images from the ‘Earth Healing I to V’, ‘Spiral’ and ‘Sea Goddess’ sections can be purchased as prints in A4 and A3 sizes on gloss or matt paper
Greeting Cards:
These can be purchased individually or in packs of four. There are currently four sets available
◙ Earth Healing 1 ◙ Earth Healing 2
◙ Abstract ◙ Pilbara Trees
Bookmarks and Magnets:
Images to brighten up your reading experience and lift and harmonise the energies of your house
(On all Orders received by 28th February)
GREETING CARDS (Sets of 4)……………………………. $8.50 (Plus P&P)
A3 IMAGES (Matt or Gloss)……………………………… $65.00 (Plus P&P)
Ascension Issues and Processes
Ascension issues and helpful processes are at the top of the Agenda in 2011 as the quickening within our lightbodies continues and our push to let go and let go love deepens.
Earth is Ascending. The Solar System is Ascending. The Galaxy is Ascending. The Universe is Ascending. We are supposed to Ascend together, as ONE BEING and the push is for everyone to become an Ascended Master, sooner or later, as that is the way back up the stairway to heaven. So if you feel drawn to it NOW, activate your chakras, focus on increasing your personal physical frequency and drop into living in the heart in love.
As you do, notice the change within you and others. Watch your anger and fear drop away and see the expression of love within you, mirrored in the world at large.
Keep your focus on the present moment, and let the Universe bless you with miracles. We have no power in the future because it is the present moment that matters.
Techniques for Grounding Energies While Ascending
Some people are finding it difficult to ground and stablise their energies, reduce the feelings of adrenalin, and get enough sleep. Here are two things that can help – depending on your individual make-up, vibration, cosmic ancestry and frequency.
1. Locate, and sing or hum the TONE of the grounding vibration that is particular for you. Then anchor the Ray colour of this hum/tone through the ‘physical, emotional or mental’ embodiment (whichever one or ones that resonate) and connect with the Master Ray of that colour. Hum or tone the vibration and work with the Ray Master to ground – and simultaneously elevate – your energy frequency. It discharges, stabilises and clears your energies at the same time. Establish how often you need to this and then do it accordingly
2. Find the SEAT of your energy field (the oscillation point) and put your attention there – even in the stillness there is always movement. Try it and see if it works for you – focusing your attention on the stillness of the oscillation point, should help stop the wobble and the high adrenalin feeling.
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