Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: phowfield@hotmail.com
Paulina teaches Creative Writing classes in the UK and Australia and regularly attends creative writing groups and workshops as a participant to facilitate and stimulate her own creative writing. She also offers the following services.
Freelance Writing
She has been a freelance writer since 1994 and has written for numerous publications including NOVA, Conscious Living Magazine, Sedona Journal, Well Being, Insight and Spirit Earth. She has also written professional book reviews for the British and Australian Counselling Associations.
‘London Calling’ Columnist
For five years she was the ‘London Calling Columnist’ for a US spiritual and holistic health magazine, where she wrote about Earth Energies, Healing, Angels, Space Clearing and Shamanism.
Editing, Proof Reading and Shadow Writing
She also edits and proof reads non-fiction and fiction documents for authors, freelance writers and legal organizations, and has recently begun to ‘shadow write’ for professionals who need help to create non-fiction books about their areas of expertise.
Training Programmes and Manuals
In her Training and Education Consultancy she has written many Programmes and Manuals. For two years she was the manager and writer of a Vietnam based Community Development Training Programme for AusAID, that involved researching, adapting, translating and writing a Training Manual for a ‘BBV/HIV/AIDS, Sexual Health and Life Skills Training Programme’. This manual is used by Health Professionals, Educators, and Trainers, and so far has facilitated the education and well being of 25,000 students.
Book Author
Her non-fiction book ‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta’ explains her work with the earth energies and geomythic imprints Malta and discusses her work as an esoteric map-maker. She is currently writing her second non-fiction book about her work with Cancer patients as an Integrative Arts and Creative Arts Therapist.