‘As Without So Within’ – Everything you experience is a reflection of the Inner You’
This cosmic conversation presentation by Paulina Howfield focuses on ‘As Without so Within’, and the importance of recognising that everything we see, everything we feel, and everything we do is a reflection of some impulse, belief system or feeling inside us. It may be a deep emotion or a constant thought, or simply a passing notion or idea, but each thought, feeling and sensation we have participates in co-creating our reality. If we want to change our ‘reality’ we change our thoughts and feelings. How do we do that? We consciously take our attention and focus away from what is happening in the outside world, and instead focus on our responses to what we believe is happening. This is part of the therapeutic journey towards self discovery and also an aspect of the spiritual journey that involves surrendering the attention of the ego to the consciousness of the Soul.
While this is important at any time, it is highly valuable right Now.
As the journey of becoming a New Earth and New Humans continues, each of us is being pushed to claim our inner light, take personal responsibility, and elevate our energy frequencies. It is time to focus within and understand that what we perceive as real outside ourselves is a reflection of our deepest desires, strangest thoughts, and most magnificent feelings.
To help you do this, Paulina shares ways to pay attention to what is happening within, to help generate higher frequencies and a greater light quotient in our lives and on our changing planet. To listen to her presentation and learn techniques to help bridge the as without so within aspects of who you are, click on the image below to take you to the link:
Becoming a New Earth – As Without So Within – Paulina Howfield
As the journey of becoming a New Earth and New Humans continues, each of us is being pushed to claim our inner light, take personal responsibility, and elevate our energy frequencies. It is time to focus within and understand that what we perceive as real outside ourselves is a reflection of our deepest desires, strangest thoughts, and most magnificent feelings. In this talk Paulina shares ways to pay attention to what is happening within, to help generate higher frequencies and a greater light quotient in our lives and on our changing planet.
Posted by Paulina Howfield on Friday, May 22, 2020