Facebook Email: phowfield@hotmail.com
Conferences, Presentations and Public Speaking
‘Paulina’s work is of a manifold nature, covering dimensions of healing, awakening, connecting and teaching. As a global shamanic energy worker, she has become a vehicle for energy, clearly communicating the symbols of our world and our times’ (Spirit Earth Magazine)
Paulina has spoken at UFO, Afterlife, Paranormal and Consciousness Conferences since the 1980s, and has led workshops, delivered talks and presented papers at Events around the world. She has also spoken at numerous Mind, Body, Spirit Conferences, where she discusses her interest in health and wellness, spiritual consciousness, metaphysics and Earth energies. As well as her knowledge of metaphysics and esoterica, the paranormal and other worlds, Paulina has a strong background in psychology, training delivery, art therapy, shamanism and personal development and is happy to discuss your needs and tailor a presentation for your upcoming Conferences or Expos.
Paulina has also done numerous interviews for the media which you can view here, and she is happy to discuss a future interview with you. You can read what others think about her speaking events on her testimonials pages, and learn about her Upcoming Talks and Conferences further down this page.
Most of her talks – either at Conferences or in the media – that are posted below, have a link that you can click on to listen to or view. From February 2020 she will also be posting Cosmic Conversations of chats with special guests and her previously unpublished presentations at Conferences. You can find them here and on facebook.
‘Paulina is a fascinating presenter. She smoothly integrates the concepts of early cultures with our modern day challenges, leading course participants into a direct experience of energy’
(Dr JH Jackson, Director, GeoEnergy)
Dates for future talks will be posted here at least one month ahead of their delivery
In the interim you can view many of Paulina’s past talks and interviews below
Speaker at DJERAN Harvest Festival, City Farm/Heritage Association, 20th April, 2024, 11:15 am
Paulina will talk about ‘Building and Creating on the Land in Harmony with Nature’. This presentation focuses on positive ways to relate to and interact with, the inter-connected living energies of Earth, Nature and the Invisible Realms. It aims to show how interacting with nature, the elements, devas and four directions, helps us create harmonious habitats that are not only sustainable, dynamic, and inclusive, but also help us heal ourselves and our planet. To find out more go to https://events.humanitix.com/djeran-harvest-festival/tickets
Speaker at Spiritual Awakenings International Conference, June 8 & 9, 2024
Topic of presentation ‘The Spaces in Between’ – Paulina has had many STEs including a Near-death Experience. Through these experiences she has developed relationships with Angels, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings, and together they work as energetic Gate Keepers and Earth Consciousness Practitioners. In this presentation Paulina shares some of her work and experiences and discusses the role of STEs as initiatory and cumulative processes that work across lifetimes and energetic timelines. Find out more via this link – https://spiritualawakeningsinternational.org/event/sai-conference-2024-day-1-saturday-june-8-2024/
Interview with Life After Life Channel, Youtube, January 17, 2024
Paulina discussed her NDE and answered questions from the hosts of LifeafterLife Channel. Link will go up here soon
Quantum Leap, Psychic Readings for 2024, 1st January, 2024
Paulina was one of the psychics at this annual online gathering. The link to view this event is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU93QycnE54&ab_channel=AscensionGateway
Interview with NDE Channel, Youtube, 15th November 2023
Paulina discussed her NDE, and other spiritual insights with the hosts of NDE Channel. Link will go up here soon
Interview with Spiritual Journey, Youtube 10th November, 2023
Paulina was interviewed about her NDE, sharing what she learnt and her understanding about the cosmic agenda for spiritual awakening. Link will go up soon
Interview on NDETV, May 20th, 2023
Paulina talked with the host of NDETV about her experiences and discussed some of what is happening right now in our spiritual awakening. Watch this interview via this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zsp5nvsMpw&list=PLdLLd4ptki5VwLs9O3Wrz87TVcRC46VtN&index=34&ab_channel=PegiRobinson-
Quantum Jump, Readings and Discussion about the Energies for 2023 – 1st January, 2023
Paulina was part of a panel for the ‘New Year, Quantum Jump 2023’ event, sharing her thoughts, and psychic pick-ups. You can watch the video and listen to the readings at – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp8_aXXmrHQ&ab_channel=AscensionGateway
Speaker at Conscious Life Festival on ‘Discernment in the Age of Misinformation’ – November 2022
Paulina talked about intuition and discernment and discussed how the almost constant misinformation, psychological manipulation and unusual energetic frequencies can make us confused, unhappy, depressed, anxious and off kilter. She asked the audience Who can you trust? And gave some insights about developing a soul consciousness connection with Mother Earth. Audio link coming soon
Conversation with Julie McVey on ‘Unordinary made Ordinary’ – April 1st, 2022
Paulina spoke with Julie McVey about her NDE, recognition of not being a body, mind or emotions and being a conduit for light. Here is the link to watch her interview on youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpfyDVOr_-A&ab_channel=UnOrdinaryMadeOrdinarywithJulieMcVey
Psychic Mediumship Presentation with Free online Readings – 19th March, 2022
Paulina shared the platform with Sharon Sananda Kumara and Mike Dinkel. To listen to the readings and conversations go to – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8CDWOc14Uo&ab_channel=AscensionGateway
Conversation with Tilopa Hogan about Evolving Consciousness Part Two – March 15th, 2022
Tilopa and Paulina discussed walk-ins, worlds of densities, Earth entrances, blood encodings and more. You can watch their conversation here https://fb.watch/c7wGqD1gSJ/ or on rumble https://rumble.com/vyt7li-evolving-consciousness-part-2.html
Speaker at ‘A Projection of You, Watchers Event’ – 2:40pm AEST, March 12th, 2022
Paulina delivered an online presentation entitled ‘Developing Galactic Consciousness in Harmony with the Earth’, hosted by Watchers and A Projection of You. The link to this will go up soon.
Conversation with Tilopa Hogan about Evolving Consciousness – March 8th, 2022
Tilopa and Paulina discussed weather anomalies, floods, UFOS and changing states of consciousness. You can watch their discussion at this rumble link
Conversation with Sharon Sananda Kumar – 11am AEST, February 9th, 2022
Live readings and sharing broadcast with Paulina & Sharon discussing contact experiences, NDES, personal and collective responsibility, decoding trauma and more. Watch it on youtube via this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuAvk-Lp4kQ&ab_channel=AscensionGateway
Conversation with Watchers/A Projection of You – January 26th, 2022
In this talk/interview Paulina discussed her experiences as a light worker and a conduit of personal and planetary healing. Content includes left and right brain healing, practicing I AM That I AM, land healing, personal responsibility and more. Click on the following link below to watch it on youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs3dEprtDXw&ab_channel=WatchersTalk
Readings and Discussion about the Energies for 2022 – 1st January, 2022
Paulina was part of a panel for the ‘New Year, Quantum Jump 2022’ event, sharing her thoughts and pick-ups, and experiences regarding a potential galactic disclosure. Here is the youtube link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JmbGesb_FY&t=9s…
Interview with Sharon Sananda Kumar Part 2 – December 11th, 2021
Paulina discussed galactic consciousness, the stars, visionary geography and the awakening to the Divine Feminine, and shared more of her stories about her experiences with the Soul of the Earth, Consciousness Awareness and her role as a medium and healer. You can watch this interview on youtube via this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FVB3uIK_7w&t=72s&ab_channel=AscensionGateway
Interview with Sharon Sananda Kumar Part 1 – November 20th, 2021
Paulina was interviewed about her NDE, interactions with the visionary geography, and shared some of her experiences as a medium and healer. Part Two will be recorded on the 11th December. View Part One at this youtube link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTGUVKe8YJY&ab_channel=AscensionGateway
Interview on 3rd Eye Salon – November 7th, 2021
Join Paulina was interviewed by the hosts of 3rd Eye Salon about her work with the Soul Consciousness of the Earth; the pathway to Galactic Consciousness; and her tutelage under the Ancient Gods and Masters. You can watch this interview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qAWFybmXvw&ab_channel=3rdEyeSalon
Speaker and Panel Presenter, Global Transformation Festival – November 6th, 2021
Paulina was a speaker and panel presenter at the Global Transformation Festival. She delivered a presentation called ‘Developing Galactic Consciousness in Harmony with the Earth’. Go to this youtube link to view her presentation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCln4k_3p6k&list=PLrKapzmLNtmQhue6h_o7AEsH4l-aUNI7B&index=100&ab_channel=THEWORLDUNITED
Interview on Jeff Mara Podcast, February, 2021
Paulina spoke with Jeff about her NDE, why she had her NDE, what she now understands about Consciousness, as well as what she learnt about the Four Elements in creating and dissolving matter. You can view this interview on youtube at this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpIiyqUNKqs&ab_channel=JeffMaraPodcast
Interview on Let’s Talk Near Death Podcast, Friday 27th November, 2020
Paulina discussed her Near Death Experience, her mission and more with podcast host, Kirsty Salisbury. You can listen to their conversation via this youtube link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwDPWV172zM&ab_channel=KirstySalisbury
IANDS NDE Radio – 23rd November, 2020
Host Lee Witting, interviews Paulina about her Near Death Experience, the sounds of the Audible Life Stream, and the works she does since her awakening. Listen to the interview at – https://www.talkzone.com/episodes/204/11061.html
‘As Without So Within’, High Vibe Conferences, May, 2020
In this online presentation Paulina discusses the importance of recognising that everything we see, everything we feel, and everything we do is a reflection of some impulse, belief system or feeling inside us. She talks about how we co-create our reality, and shares techniques to change our ‘reality’ by changing our thoughts and feelings. You can listen to her presentation via this link – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/about-us/conferences/cosmic-conversations/as-without-so-within/
Presenter, Star Family Conferences, Rye, April 3-5, 2020
At this Conference Paulina will discussed her esoteric knowledge about the Earth, Earth Changes, Remembering the Divine Feminine, and our Collective Consciousness relative to the ancient cosmic agenda for Collective Spiritual Enlightenment and Galactic Awakening. Find out more at www.starfamilyconference.com
Pre-Conference Interview on Truth Frequency Radio – 23rd February 2020
Paulina Howfield talks on TFR about the soul consciousness of the Earth, the cleansing of our collective consciousness, near death experiences, healing, Earth energies and more. Listen to the interview at this link – https://tfrlive.com/whats-it-like-on-the-other-side-paulina-howfield-89802/
Discussion with Lana Marconi, Director of Orenda & FiveD.TV – 7th May, 2019
FiveD.TV speaks with Paulina about Earth as a living, breathing being and how people can communicate with the planet for a more connected experience. Paulina is also featured in our award-winning film Orenda also on FiveD.TV to watch. Streaming now is “Earth Whisperer” on https://fived.tv
Interview on NOOSA FM – 22nd April, 2019
In this pre conference radio interview Paulina talked about – the energy template underneath Notre Dame and its effects on our Collective Consciousness; her book ‘Remembering Isis’ and the energy templates on Malta; and the memory of the Divine Feminine in our psyches. The recording cuts out a bit of the discussion at the end, about the divine feminine, magical mystery tours, and embracing the Light…but that is the nature of recording on time frames. You can listen to it here
‘Notre Dame and Its Effects on our Consciousness’, April 19th, 2019
In this online event Paulina shared her knowledge as an Earth energy specialist, grid engineer and esoteric map-maker, to explain how the fire at Notre Dame has triggered shadow aspects of our collective unconscious. She talked about the energy template that the Cathedral is part of; discussed how the template, and the many influencing energies that lay underneath, affects our mind, body and spirit ; and explored the impact this template has on our individual and collective ‘re-membering’ of the Divine Feminine. At the end of her talk, Paulina led a 15 minutes healing meditation to help participants step-out of collective programming. You can watch this event here
‘Letting in the Light’ Equinox Conferences and Retreats, March 20th – 23rd, 2019
This Retreat was part of ‘The Medicine Way’ Teaching Programme that Paulina offers, and it involves Equinox and Solstice Gatherings four times a year. Participants develop shamanic skills and learn some basic techniques for connecting with the Soul of the Earth – PLUS attendees participate in Earth Ceremonies and Light Activation Meditations. Here is the link to the Meditation Process she did for the Equinox
Interview on Noosa FM – 4th March 2019
Paulina spoke with Josanne Falla about her near death experience, consciousness and navigating the Afterlife. Listen to their conversation here
Conversation with Mary Rodwell – February 2019
Paulina spoke with Mary Rodwell about recordings of higher dimensions, hybrid children, consciousness and how to energetically track clients/subjects during sessions – Listen to and watch their conversation here
Rye, Victoria – Star Family Conferences, 22nd – 24th February, 2019
Paulina did a 2 hours presentation on ‘The Soul and the Afterlife’, spoke on the Panel, and ran a Workshop. Links to audios and videos will go up soon
Believe Paranormal Radio – January 2019
Paulina spoke with Kaid from Believe Paranormal Radio about some of her interactions with off planet beings, and discussed her hybrid children, the consciousness she entered during her near death, and other paranormal experiences. You can listen to what she told him here
Sunshine Coast, Qld – Conferences and Conscious Life Festival, 20th – 21st October, 2018
Paulina led the Opening Ceremony at this weekend event of Conferences, and delivered two talks – on ‘Left and Right Brain Consciousness’ and ‘Land Healing’. Audios will go up soon
Peregian Springs, QLD – Pathways to the Stars Workshop, 1st September 2018
This Workshop teaches participants how to navigate the symbolic and cosmic pathways of the universe, and interact with the invisible, mythic and archetypal energies that resonate in our DNA and imprint on our collective and individual lives. Audio will come soon.
Caloundra, Qld – Speaker on Q and A Panel, 22nd August, 2018
In August 2017 Paulina was interviewed by award winning Lana Marconi for her documentary – ‘ORENDA – Force of Consciousness’. At this Premiere Paulina spoke on the Panel discussing the force of consciousness, soul and her experiences when being interviewed for the film. You can watch the youtube video of the panel here
Interview Noosa FM, 20th August, 2018
Paulina chats with Jo Falla about her work Earth energies, and how to connect with the Soul of the Earth. You can listen to their conversation here
Qld – ‘Galactic Consciousness and the Soul of the Earth’, 17th August 2018
At these Conferences Paulina discussed her interactions with the Consciousness of the Earth to facilitate humanity’s collective spiritual awakening and ascent into galactic consciousness. She mentioned sites specific to our galactic awakening and her interactions with STAR beings, galactic entities and geomythic archetypes. Paulina believes that we each need to wake up to our individual relationship with the energies of this planet. Audio coming soon
Qld – Speaking at UFO/Paranormal Group, 15th August 2018
Paulina discussed her paranormal experiences and encounters in relation to her telepathic and clairvoyant work with the Soul Consciousness of the Earth in collaboration with numerous invisible beings. She also showed images, discussed encounters and shared how these experiences have facilitated her work and her multi-dimensional frequencies. Audio coming soon
Earth Changes, Soul Consciousness + Galactic Sovereignty, 2nd August, 2018
What does interacting with the Earth have to do with Developing our Galactic Consciousness? Find out here as Paulina Howfield talks about SOUL and the Earth, and a few other things too – like anger; truth; and commitment View Facebook Video Here
Wyong NSW – UFO/Paranormal Group Tuggerah Lakes, 1st July, 2018
Paulina spoke at the monthly meeting of the Tuggerah Lakes Group, and discussed her interactions with star people, cosmic beings, and galactic energies at sacred sites. She also explained their relationship to our developing galactic consciousness and shared how they have imprinted the Earth in ways that can facilitate deep healing and awakening. Audio coming soon.
Campbelltown, NSW – UFO PRSA Group, 13th June, 2018
Paulina spoke at the monthly meeting of the UFO PRSA Group. She discussed her interactions with star people, cosmic beings, and galactic energies at sacred sites; and explained their relationship to our developing galactic consciousness. PLUS as an exclusive for this group, she shared some of her recent interactions with pre-Lemurian beings and entities that are rising up out of the land to facilitate our deep healing and awakening. Audio coming soon.
Seaforth, NSW – Talk and Meditation, 9th June, 2018
Paulina talked about metaphysical things, her inter-galactic friends and healing on higher levels. She also led a Meditation with her drum, helping participants expand their consciousness. Audio coming soon.
Avalon, NSW – ‘Orbs, Faeries, Weird and Wonderful’ – Talk and Meditation 14th May, 2018
Paulina discussed her interactions with orbs, faeries and all things weird and wonderful, and led a meditation to help those present connect with these beings. Audio available soon.
‘Orenda Force of Consciousness’, Film Released May 2018
Paulina talks about her Work and Consciousness in this Film directed by award winning documentary maker Lana Marconi. You can view the Film trailer at: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/orenda
Rye, Victoria – ‘STAR Family Conference’, 2nd – 4th February 2018
Paulina presented a 90 minutes talk about ‘Developing Our Galactic Consciousness’, and delivered a 3 hours workshop – called ‘Pathways to the Stars’. She also participated in a Q&A Panel. The videos of the presentation ‘Developing our Galactic Consciousness‘ can be viewed on youtube in three parts:
Part 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz3CfHbOkb0
Part 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2pOAtbZeZ0
Part 3 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkqNYsd7qdc
Near Death Interview on ‘Alive and Live’ on 12 Radio.com with Lisa D Evers – 15th December, 2017
Paulina discussed her Near Death Experience with Lisa D Evers. She also talked about past lives, energy healing, the Afterlife and our changing consciousness.
Rembering ISIS Interview on the ‘North Coast Positive’ show on BAY FM – Friday 1st December, 2018
In this interview with Nyck Jeanes at Bay FM, Paulina talks about her book “REMEMBERING ISIS Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta” and discusses Divine Feminine Consciousness. She mentions some of her psychic interactions with the Earth Energies and Cosmic Templates in Malta, and explains their significance to the etheric energy grid of our planet, and their energetic effects on our human consciousness. She discusses her clairvoyant impressions about the Knights of Malta, and also poses some questions about the ‘real’ spiritual history of the Maltese Islands and their connection to Atlantis.
Tugun, Qld – ‘Transformational Shift Conferences 2′ – Star Knowledge, Enlightenment, Preparation’, 20th – 22nd October, 2017
Paulina spoke about her interactions with Star People, and how they help her with Earth Energies and Soul Consciousness. She was also a member of two Q&A Panels. An audio of her talk will be posted soon.
Forster, NSW – ‘Transformational Shift Conferences 1 – Awakening your Inner Spirit’, 6th – 8th October, 2017
Paulina spoke in relation to ‘Awakening our Inner Spirit’ and combined her knowledge of psychology, healing, energy management, past lives, the soul of the earth and star consciousness to explain why we need to remember, reconnect and recall. She was also a member of two Q&A panels. An audio of her talk will be posted soon.
Brisbane Talk – ‘Are Near Death Experiences Encoded By The SOUL Before Birth?’ – 17th September, 2017
What if our ‘Near Death Experiences’ are actually encoded into our subtle bodies before birth, having been placed there by our SOUL before we incarnate, to Help us Wake up to our Purpose AND Initiate the process of Deep Remembering that supports us in Surrendering the Ego to the Soul? In this 90 minutes talk Paulina discussed her own Near Death Experiences and her belief that they were deliberately encoded into her subtle bodies by her Soul before she incarnated, to ensure that she activated her past life skills and fulfilled her mission as an esoteric map-maker during this time of collective spiritual enlightenment.
Radio Interview with The Witching Hour 4ZZZFM, 16th September, 2017
Paulina spoke The Witching Hour and shared her Near Death Experiences, thoughts about the Afterlife, and her work as a soul encoded Esoteric Mapmaker/lightworker
Paradigm Shift Summit, Gold Coast, 5th – 7th August, 2017
Presentation ETs, Sacred Sites, Earth Consciousness and the Cosmic Agenda
The Topic of Paulina’s TALK was ‘ETs, Sacred Sites, Earth Consciousness and the Cosmic Agenda‘. She also SPOKE on the UFO/ET PANEL on the Sunday Afternoon to help close the Event. This Summit was full of speakers who are at the cutting edge of our changing consciousness.
‘OVER THE RAINBOW’, Beacon of Light Radio Interview, 12th April, 2017
Interview on Over the Rainbow
Paulina spoke with Bob Brown about her book Remembering Isis, and how it came about, as well as her Near Death Experience, interactions with ETs and Cosmic entities, and her work as an esoteric map maker.
Ryde, Sydney, Australia – UFOR NSW- Saturday 4th February, 2017
aulina SPOKE for 90 minutes about ‘ETS, Sacred Sites and The Collective Awakening‘. She discussed her own close encounters, her NDEs and her interaction with ETS and Cosmic Beings as an Esoteric Map Maker.
Byron Bay, NSW – THE CLOSE ENCOUNTERS CONFERENCE 15th-16th January 2017
Paulina was a Speaker at a Special three hours Event connected to this Conference on the 14th January. The Event called ‘My Alien Encounter’ was hosted by Mary Rodwell. Video will be posted soon.
Byron Bay, NSW – THE AFTERLIFE EXPLORERS CONFERENCE 13th-14th January 2017
Paulina SPOKE about ‘NDE Activations Encoded by the SOUL’ – discussing her own Near Death Experiences and her belief that they were deliberately encoded into her subtle bodies by her Soul before she incarnated, to ensure that she activated her past life skills and fulfilled her purpose. Video to be posted soon.
KEY NOTE SPEAKER – AUSTRALIA 2012 – 2012 NEW EARTH FESTIVAL – March 15th 2012, Subiaco, Perth – ‘Communicating with Earth Energies & her Visionary Geography’
Paulina has been working with Earth Energies and Sacred Sites for many years, exploring their energetic alignments and effects on the collective unconscious of Humanity. She interacts with Earth energies and the invisible realms to open and re-connect the grid lines and facilitate the light flow of communication. She links celestial and terrestrial energies and interacts with devas, angelic beings, ETs and galactic bodies. At the 2012 NEW Earth Festival she will speak about the cleansing balancing and alignment of the energy bodies of Earth and humanity; the role of feminine consciousness; right brain thinking; and the awakening of our collective spiritual awareness. She will also discuss her new training programme ‘E.E.C.T’ – Earth Energy Consciousness Training.
IRELAND 2011 – PATHWAYS TO THE STARS – Metaphysical and Esoteric Training & Introductory Talk, April 15 &16, Belfast, Ireland
This training programme teaches how to navigate the symbolic and cosmic pathways of the universe, and interact with the invisible, mythic and archetypal energies that resonate in our DNA and imprint on our collective and individual lives – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/esoteric-studies/pathways-to-the-stars-workshop/
UK PROBE CONFERENCE 2011 – St Annes,near Blackpool, March 26:
Earth Changes, the Cosmic Agenda and the Role of the Grid Engineer (Lecture, Powerpoint Presentation, Meditation) https://www.matrixharmonics.com/upcoming-events/talk-at-uk-probe/
Paulina will Discuss the incoming energies of the Grand Cross and Healing Room and also deliver a Solar Eclipse Meditation, as designed by Paulina during the activation of the Sun’s Healing Room and delivered after the Grand Cross Alignment of 2010. To find out more about the Meditation Process or purchase it see – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/products/hitching-post-of-the-sun-meditation-cd/
Talk about the influences of the incoming energies with regard to how we think, feel and act, plus Group Meditation to align with the Healing Room of the Sun, see meditation CD – https://www.matrixharmonics.com/products/hitching-post-of-the-sun-meditation-cd/
NEW ZEALAND 2010 – TALK and Group MEDITATION – Kaiwake, 20th June
In this three hours talk ‘Interacting with the Earth’s Subtle Bodies, Sacred Sites and Visionary Geography’, Paulina will discuss sacred sites across the planet and their influences on our collective consciousness. She will include simple techniques for developing and maintaining a relationship with the Earth and her cosmos and end with a meditation process to connect with the energies of the Earth at Taupo
Earth Changes, the Cosmic Agenda and the Role of the Grid Engineer (Lecture and Powerpoint Presentation)
Paulina discussed the importance of developing a symbiotic relationship with the Earth that goes beyond nature and the environment and focuses on a profound spiritual relationship that supports and fosters our collective awakening and was designed to do so, by the engineers of our designer planet. She was also part of a Q&A Discussion Panel with Dolores Cannon, Tracey Di Marco and Elizabeth Campbell
KEY NOTE AND PANEL SPEAKER – NEW ZEALAND 2009 – PARANORMAL EXPLORATIONS SYMPOSIUM – ‘TRANSFORMATION TO THE NEW EARTH’ Auckland – with Dolores Cannon (USA), Tracey Di Marco (NSW), Paulina Howfield (UK), Jeanette Wilson (NZ), Elizabeth Campbell (WA)
Paulina discussed her understanding of ‘Earth Changes and the Cosmic Agenda’ and their relationship to how we are co-creating the NEW Earth. She was also part of a Q&A Discussion Panel with Dolores Cannon, Jeanette Wilson and Elizabeth Campbell
AUSTRALIA 2005 – ‘ASPR’ ( Australian Society for Paranormal Research)
‘Sacred Sites, Earth Energies, UFO’s, Crop Circles and Cosmic Energies’ (Lecture and Powerpoint Presentation)
‘Feng Shui and Space Clearing – Creating Sacred Space in your Inner and Outer World’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader)
‘Speaking from the Heart’(Lectures and Workshop Leader)
‘Waking the Dreamer Within’ ( Lectures and Workshop Leader)
Speaker, Workshop leader, Panel Speaker and Mediator – ‘Singing With the Angels’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Shamanic Training’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Shamanic Living in Urban Lifestyles’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Archetypal Resonances’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Earth Energies and Cosmic Consciousness’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Earth Changes and Planetary Healing’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Earth Activations’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Angelic Resonances’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Psychic and Intuitive Space Clearing’ (Lectures and Workshop Leader); ‘Shamanic Drumming Presentations’
‘Earth Energies and How to Work With Them‘ (Lecture and Powerpoint Presentation)
GLOBAL 1995 – BE AN ANGEL DAY – Practise Random Acts of Kindness’
Creator, Promoter, Presenter, Meditation and Workshop Leader – A day of teaching, interviews and presentations promoting Angels and Practising Kindness towards others. Promoted in 22 countries.
Led 800 people for a series of 11:11 Activations at portals and sacred sites, in the creation of an Etheric Medicine Wheels
Talks and Presentations on ‘Planetary Changes, Earth Mysteries and Cosmic Influences’; ‘Psychic and Intuitive Space Clearing™’; ‘Singing with the Angels’
Talks and presentation on Past Life Healing; Shamanic Studies; Space Clearing; Energy Work; Personal and Spiritual Development; Angels
Pingback: Near Death Experiences and The SOUL - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Should We Go Into The Light When We DIE? - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Newsletter May 2018 - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Change and Transformation in 2016 - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Earth Energies and 'Slaying the Dragon' - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Techniques for Opening the Third Eye - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Opening the Third Eye Part 2 - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Remote and Distant Healing in December 2020 - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Energetic imbalances that can make you Depressed - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Christ Consciousness Meditation for the Epiphany - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: The Lion's Gate Portal 2021 - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: The Collective Spiritual Awakening and The Harmonic Convergence - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: The Shamans Drum - An Abenaki Legend - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: We and the Earth are One - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Pay Attention To Your Thoughts - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Healing Springs and Healing Water - Matrix Harmonics
Pingback: Remote Viewing Discovers A Phoenician Shipwreck - Matrix Harmonics