Paulina Howfield’s card reading for the Full Moon and Eclipse, highlights our ability to ‘Focus’ and ‘Retreat’
For today’s card reading for the full moon and eclipse, Paulina used two decks – her Soul Whispers Deck and the Animal Cards Pack, as they both reach into the heart of the matter. She pulled one card from each. Their content directs us to ‘becoming a profound and powerful anchor of calm resolve amid life’s storms’.
The intention/question was ‘What is important for each of us to connect with at this time?’
The Soul Medicine wisdom for the card reading for the full moon and eclipse is: ‘FOCUS’ – I am able to stay on task, follow my purpose and be true to who I am – even when everything around me is in chaos.
The Animal Medicine of the card reading for the full moon and eclipse is ‘RETREAT’ – via the medicine of the ‘Prairie Dog’. Prairie dog medicine teaches that strength and inspiration can be found by retreating into the stillness that quiets the mind. So, it prompts us to seek self-empowerment in silence and inactivity…not outwardly searching for answers, but gently and quietly going within to discover our own resources and our unique soul wisdom.