The 5th-Dimensional Directors of the Elemental Kingdom are taking their strategic positions in preparation for the powerful Activity of Light 21-22 Dec. To align and connect with them, in this instance –
* The Directors of the Air Element and the Sylphs of the Air take their position at the cardinal point to the North.
* The Directors of the Water Element and the Undines of the Water take their position at the cardinal point to the East.
* The Directors of the Earth Element and the Gnomes and Nature Spirits of the Earth take their position at the cardinal point to the South.
* The Directors of the Fire Element and the Salamanders of the Fire take their position at the cardinal point to the West.
* The Directors of the Ether Element and the Devas and Deva Rajas of the Ethers take their position within the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth.