March 20th Equinox is continuing to Create Change

March 20th Equinox
Throughout all of 2012 the energies around full moons, equinoxes and solstices are powerful and bring frequencies of profound change. Even if you feel overwhelmed, short-circuited, over tired or nauseated, these are all symptoms that you are moving through and with these profound frequency mobilisations. Soon we will be in the energies of the build-up to the March 20th Equinox. The Masters of Ascension ask us to think and feel from the heart in relation to where we want and need to be for these ceremonies, as the portals that open at this time, give each of us a great opportunity to deep work and lift our vibrations. Paulina will be spending time at an energy portal this Equinox, interacting with a landscape egregore and the devic guardians of the portal.
She has written an article about the relationship between the ‘Natural Rhythms, Earth Energies and the Equinox’ that was published in Conscious Living Magazine, you can read it at